...lationships and their health. 却给健康和人际关系带来了更多的伤害。Some look into ungodly relationships 有些人尝试去不敬虔的男女关系,thinking it’ll quench their thirst for love, 以为这样可以熄灭他们对爱的渴望,it does give them a buzz, 这确实...
...人意, and get more hurt to their own hearts.给自己的心造成更多伤害。 But if your heart believes, 但如果你的心相信,“in this fallen world, “在这个堕落的世界里,Jesus loves me, 耶稣爱我,He is with me, 祂与我同在,I’ve gotta allow His pea...
... hot temper that hurt my family a lot, 我竟不觉得我的坏脾气大大伤害了我家人,and still believed that I loved them because I made money for them. 仍然觉得我挣钱给这个家,这就是我对他们的爱。Until one day, 直到一天, when I became a
Christian, 我成为...
... unresolved fear, 因有未处理的惧怕,bitterness, 苦毒,wounds,
伤害,doubt, etc.怀疑不信,等等。 So Jesus said in John约 14:18因此耶稣说,
I will not leave you as orphans; I will
come to you. 我不撇下你们为孤儿,我必到你们这里来。
How? 如何...
...ger, bitterness and unforgiveness to tear down
relationships. 未处理的伤害产生出更多怒气、苦毒和不饶恕,越发撕裂关系。If
you bury pain in your heart, 如果你在心里埋藏伤害,
‘a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough” 一点面酵能...
the unresolved wounds, 因未处理的伤害,Michal carried a bitter, judgemental mindset, 米甲怀着苦毒、论断的心态,her
heart grew cold; 她的心渐渐冷漠,she became disconnected from God and people. 远离神也远离人。So
when David wa...
...dquo;why should I forgive him who hurt me?” 我们却说,“他伤害我,我为什么还饶恕他?”God says, “give money to the poor.” 神说,“把钱分给穷人。” We say, “why should I give? 我们却说:“我为什么要给?My family...
... we need to deal with our own inner wounds都需要来对付自己里面的伤害.. Believing in God’s grace is easy相信神的恩典很容易! “forgive me, Lord! 主啊,赦免我!” you are forgiven, that’s grace你就被赦免了,那是恩典! But passing God’s ...
...hers when we get hurt, “you are wrong…”不是在受伤害时责怪别人,说“这是你的错…”, but
to change ourselves. 而是要改变我们自己。The way of the
sinful nature is that whenever we feel wronged, 属罪性的道路,...
...e one another”.因为神的话说彼此相爱,所以每逢感到被伤害和难过时,我都控制自己不发脾气。
At that time I didn’t know how to
rely on God’s power to kill the desires of the
self, 那时候我还不知道怎样靠神的能力治死老我,a...