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...人生气, we’ll inflict new pain on ourselves, 我们就在不断伤害我们自己,and we keep ourselves from the blessings of God. 并使我们自己失去神的祝福。We see this not only happen to individuals but also to a group of people. 这不止单发生在个人身上,还...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:01:12  

...he grace of God, 温柔意味着我可以在神的恩典下处理拒绝、伤害和其他负面情绪,and treat my enemies with gentleness and love. 并以温柔和爱对待我的敌人。God loves us, 神爱我们,Jesus poured out all he had to redeem and welcome us into His Kingdom. 耶稣...
发表于 2024-02-11 17:37:15  

...圣灵,还是顺服肉体, and how I deal with pain, 看我如何处理伤害,or how I treat the people around me 或我如何对待身边的人。If I yield to the thoughts of the earth, 去顺从地上的思想,I blame people 我责怪人,I’m not forgiving people 我不饶恕人&h...
发表于 2022-11-13 16:03:29  

...play with snakes without being harmed. 婴孩和蛇一同玩耍而不会被伤害。 What a beautiful picture of Creation and Restoration!  这是何等多美的被修复的万物的画面! Sin will no longer exist to destroy Creation then. 那时不再有罪,去破坏全地。Christ will...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:05:09  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:80%] [80%]2021-10-17 How to Pray 如何祷告(4)
...ords trying to push me down我被一群人试图用言语将我推倒的人伤害了. During my prayer在祷告中, I went to the cross of Jesus, 我来到基督的十字架where as if God told me,神仿佛在那里对我说 when I was afraid,当我惧怕时 I turned to my own wa...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:07:00  

...人关心我, my family hurt me, I’ve already forgiven him家人也伤害我我都饶恕了他们…I’m so tired, I will talk to you tomorrow我实在太累了, 我明天再和你说话.”Can people encounter God with this kind of talk to God这种谈话会让人遇见神吗...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:20  

...ther than getting back at the one who had hurt him. 而不去自己向伤害他的人报仇, Otherwise, 如若不然,he would feel regret or remorse for having taken revenge到了神应许大卫做以色列王的时候, at the time God’s promise of making him king of Israel ...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:13  

...ul world我们生活在一个充满罪的世界, a world of hurt and hatred伤害和仇恨的世界, where people are used to wearing masks or telling lies to protect themselves人们在假面具下说谎保护自己; a world of ingratitude我们生活在一个不感恩的世界, where people hold n...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:37  

...丢面子?Would they be hurt by Jesus’ reaction? 他们会感到受伤害吗?(I know that my mum would have. 我知道我妈妈会。And actually, 事实上,she was wounded for at least 10 years after I devoted my time, energy, and money to the call of God. 自从我奉献我的时间...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:57  

...rness causes gossip, 苦毒则带来谗言、division, 纷争、and hurt. 伤害。As followers of Jesus, 作为基督的跟随者,we must grow in gratitude to influence those around us. 我们当在感恩中成长,来影响周围的人。Today, 今天,we’ll focus on why and how we sh...
发表于 2024-10-21 12:23:17  
