...了神的荣耀。You and the one who hurt you.
你,和你觉得伤害你的人,都是。All man’s
debts are waiting to be cancelled, 所有人的欠债都在等候被赦免,through
Jesus’ blood, then through you and me to pass on this
free gift. 是借着耶稣的宝血...
...ts are broken若心是破碎的 or buried by past pain或里面埋了很多伤害, then whenever we feel stressed每当感受到压力 or reminded of past trauma或者和过去这伤害有关, instead of turning to God, we may turn to substitutions我们就不会转向神,反而转向其他, like ...
...ant mum receives rejection or hurt, 如果你怀孕的妈妈受到拒绝或伤害,you’ll get hurt and angry too. 你也跟着受伤发怒。Anger can result in violence. 愤怒会导致暴力。In Hebrews 7, we’re told, 希伯来书第7章说,after
Abraham had defeated five kings, ...
...bout how they have been hurt repeatedly当他们反复述说自己怎么被伤害, you can see the bitterness from their faces你就可以从他们的脸上看见苦毒. But when they forgive但当他们饶恕别人, their faces are bright他们的脸就明亮起来. Forgiveness affects our emotiona...
...Cain’s who felt that he was wronged blinds us to see reality.
感到伤害,就如该隐因感到被冤枉而受伤,使我们眼瞎,看不到真相。People turn to alcohol,
drugs, sexuality, pornography, or money or fame, 人们转向酒精、毒品、性、色情、金钱,名望,o...
...拒绝和谎言,they are hurt and filled with complaints,
他们接受伤害,充满抱怨,rejection and unforgiveness.拒绝和不饶恕,They hurt themselves.他们伤害他们自己。 People of God, 神的子民,we receive healing
to our souls if we put our trust in the truth,我...
...ng to do? “你想干什么?Are you trying to hurt me?” 你想伤害我吗?” The walls around the heart keep us from loving freely. 心中的墙使我们不能自由地去爱。They keep us in spiritual prison. 那些墙把我们关在属灵的监狱里。Jesus told us...
fearful about getting hurt again. 因为他知道过往的创伤和伤害的经历让我们易惧怕,叫我们变得害怕再次受到伤害。When we fear, we wanna control. 当我们惧怕,就想掌控。“I don’t wanna be
hurt anymore.” “我不想再受到伤...
...ts due to unresolved past hurts, 还要帮助人除去因过去未处理的伤害在他们心里筑起的墙, so that they may be able to grow in their relationships
with God 因此他们可以在与神的关系中成长 and to love and serve freely并自由地去爱和服侍. v.24 Jesus tells...
Why can’t Jesus be rejected and hurt? 为什么耶稣不会受拒绝伤害?Because Jesus Christ made himself nothing, 因为耶稣基督倒空自己,and he put the Father and His will first . 把父和父的旨意放在第一位。Why are we hurt? 为什么我们会受伤? Because we put