...nemy. 耶稣不但释放她,使她身体退烧,而且使她的全人从仇敌的压制中解脱出来。This is a good illustration for when ones receive God’s salvation, they are
promised the freedom of their souls in Christ. 这是一个很好的实例,当人得到救恩时,在基...
...d’s commands, like my enemies, etc. 然后转向行神的诫命,爱仇敌,等等。I still remember that in the following months, 我仍记得接下来的几个月里,God frequently tested my faith to see whether I would apply this doctrinal
truth of dying to the old self and living to ...
...nemy never gives up attempts to entice God’s people into
sin, 但是仇敌总是引诱上帝的子民犯罪, so that he may have authority
over them. 好统治他们。In Genesis 3, 在创世纪3章,the first man and woman Adam and Eve saw
the fruit of the tree was desirable for gaining...
...ater on. 这点稍后再讲。 The enemy wants us to conceal our failures, 仇敌想让我们掩盖我们的失败,and hide our
failures like Adam through feelings of shame and fear, 想让我们像亚当那样,用羞耻感和惧怕来隐藏自己的失败,so that we may continue our way of r...
...enemy’s purpose is to seduce
us away from focusing on Jesus.
但是仇敌想要引诱我们远离神。 And our responsibility is to choose
whom to follow in everything we do. 我们的责任是在做每件事上选择要跟随谁。 “I, me, my will first”? "我,我,我的...
...od seed (the people of God) 撒好种的人(神子民). The
enemy (devil) 仇敌魔鬼 –> the sower of weeds撒稗子的 (the people of the evil one撒旦的子民). The
harvesters 收割的人–>
Angels 天使们What has happened? 发生了什么事?Jesus sows
the goo...
...who had spoken falsely
against them当他们操练去饶恕毁谤他们的仇敌, and left God
to judge让神来审判, stood firm in their
faith在信上站的稳, God brought
them through the hardship to the great blessing of prosperity! 神就使他们患难后赐他们极大的祝福!Thus...
...iritual opposition – sin and Satan, 在圣灵的帮助下战胜属灵仇敌——罪和撒但,so that we can become proper ambassadors of
Jesus on earth. 这样我们就可以成为耶稣在地上像祂的的使者。We may properly
represent God’s love that overcomes hatred,...
...e to deliver them from their enemies主就兴起士师,拯救他们脱离仇敌的手. Let’s think about ourselves想想我们自己, it happens in
our daily lives as well我们的生活也是如此! We are too busy to spend time with God in prayer and reading the bible我们忙得没时间...
...follow Jesus. 换句话说,你生命的实质仍是:罪的奴仆,你被仇敌所胜,并不是胜过罪恶权势的得胜者。因你跟随耶稣必须付代价。But if you pay the price to follow Jesus by abiding in His words, there are
benefits to following Him: 但是,如果你付代价...