the strongman is our spiritual enemy 所以,壮士就是我们属灵的仇敌,who has gained
legal entry into people’s lives, 它得了合法的通道可以进入人的生命, and keeps people
under his influence 使人在它的影响下,to steal, kill and
destroy people’s r...
...s as the enemy wants you to? 比如忧虑、苦毒、论断和抱怨 正如仇敌要你做的? Or do you believe in God’s salvation and thank God for His good will for you ? 还是你相信神的救恩、感谢神在你身上有美好的旨意?and you also thank God for putting people around...
...from enemies on the road我求王拨步兵马兵帮助我们抵挡路上的仇敌,本以为羞耻, because we had told the king因我曾对王说, “The gracious hand
of our God is on everyone who looks to him我们神施恩的手必帮助一切寻求祂的, but his great anger is against all ...
warfare.使我们在末后的属灵争战上不至于被欺骗、被仇敌胜过。 3. Call to overcome in
Christ. (v.11,17) 在基督里得胜的呼召(11、17节) Paul the apostle tells us in使徒保罗在以弗所书告诉我们:
Ephesians 6:12, For we wrestl...
...并且若我顺服那些,就危险了,因我没有神的话在心里,仇敌可以用假梦来欺骗我, If we don’t keep God’s word in mind, we lose discernment. And if we can’t discern what is good and evil according to the truth, we can
easily be tossed back and forth by...
...me your enemies and reach your destiny successfully, “你若想战胜仇敌,成就你的命定,you need to
saturate your heart and mind and your whole being in My Word, 你就要把你的全人、全心、所有心思意念都浸透在我的话语里,not your own
thoughts, 不是在你...
...人”的欲求——this need to be a "nice guy"— 给了仇敌一个破口攻击我。and it had given the enemy an opportunity to attack. 我开始祷告,I started praying, 求神切断它,asking God to cut it off, 但我仍然无法准确地确定,具体的点在哪里。b...
...“天国好像人撒好种在田里,及至人睡觉的时候,有仇敌来,将稗子撒在麦子里就走了。到长苗吐穗的时候,稗子也显出来。Then He explained: 然后祂解释说: 37 "The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of
Man. 38 The field is the world, and the...
... loving his enemies by dying to himself
for their sins, 基督活出了爱仇敌的生命,他舍命饶恕他们的罪。he didn’t just teach knowledge alone to show that he knew something, 他没有只是教知识来彰显他知道点什么,but walked in what he said even shed his blood f...