...his kingdom not people. 旧人,罪,撒旦和撒旦的国度是我们的仇敌,不是人。To win them is
to allow God’s manifold wisdom to be revealed through us who are willing to
deny the self. 让神藉着我们否定自己显明祂百般智慧,就可胜过仇敌。So we’re ...
... enemy multiplies kisses. Pro 27:6. 朋友加的伤痕出于忠诚; 仇敌连连亲嘴却是多余。(箴言 27:6)Jesus Christ didn’t hide the
spiritual reality from Peter by saying, “you are
right.’ 耶稣基督就没有隐瞒属灵的真实,对彼得说&l...
...us that our enemy is not flesh and blood but the devil圣经说,我们的仇敌不是属血气的,而是魔鬼. Eph 6:12(弗6:12) For we wrestle not
against flesh and blood因我们并不是与属血气的争战 (This means that the people around us who offend us aren’t
our enemies...
...榜样,when he even grieved over his enemies. 就是他居然为自己的仇敌忧愁悲伤,In Mark 3, 在马可福音3章中,the
religious leaders accused Jesus of healing the sick on a Sabbath, v.宗教领袖控告耶稣在安息日治病。5, And he looked around at them with anger, grieve...
...子,为自己编作裙子。After they had listened to the enemy, 听了仇敌的话后,they became aware that they were naked. 亚当夏娃他们意识到自己是赤身露体的。They started to compare themselves to others, 他们开始把自己和别人进行比较,and thought, “I d...
...a victim or a loser to the enemy. 怪责他人只会使你成为败于仇敌手中的受害者。But
through the cross of Christ and being led by the Holy Spirit, 但借着基督的十字架,和圣灵的引导,we can become victorious. 我们可以得胜。The Holy Spirit won&rsq...
Jesus died as a sin offering once for all, 耶稣基督成了赎罪祭,为众人死,was
resurrected from death for all, 又为众人从死里复活,He has
overcome the grave and dest...
...什么,你却没有。The enemy comes and puts a sense of shame in you, 仇敌就来将羞耻感放进来,“They all have it, . “他们都有,I don’t have that, 我却没有,something is wrong with me, 我有问题,I’m different, 我和别人不一样,so I’m ...
...要克服阻碍. Prayer is like wresting against our enemies祷告就像和仇敌摔跤. The enemy could be our own wills仇敌可以是我们的私欲, and it also could be the dark power也可以是黑暗权势 (see Eph 6:12,弗6:12). That’s why we need the Holy Spirit to help
us to pra...
...nsuring that our
invisible enemies, evil spirits, 确保我们看不见的仇敌邪灵won’t invade our
territory through our failure to guard what we need to guard, 不会因为我们疏于职守而入侵领地like Adam did.像亚当那样。
3, The
consequences of failure to guard their...