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...践踏蛇和蝎子,and to overcome all the power of the enemy. 又胜过仇敌一切的能力。Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊,help us to not yield to the desires of the flesh, 求你帮助我们不顺从肉体的私欲,but to deny the desires of the flesh just as Christ the Son did, 而是像基...
发表于 2022-11-27 14:56:30  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:50%] [50%]2018-03-04 Be Salt and Light 做光做盐
...; How to let your light shine怎样让你的光照耀? Love your enemies爱仇敌! Die to the flesh’s voice向肉体的声音死! Live a life according to what the Beatitudes teach us照着天国八福的教导来生活! Forgive饶恕! As the Lord has forgiven you就如主饶恕了你! By fai...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:32:07  

...nemy’s schemes really are? 若你属灵的眼睛没有开,不知道仇敌的诡计,你怎么能在这里参与神的计划呢? That’s why we need the spiritual gifts of dreams and visions, 因此我们需要异梦异象的恩赐,of distinguishing between spirits, 辨别诸灵的...
发表于 2023-09-24 21:51:40  

...下.Christ Jesus has defeated the enemy forever. 基督耶稣打败了仇敌直到永远The secret of Christ’s strength to overcome is not the crowd基督得胜的秘密不是因为人多, but his intimacy with God而是他和天父亲密的关系. It’s from his connection to the Ho...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:37  

...o;love for our enemies”上周我们分享了最难的主题”爱仇敌”, which our Lord preached这是主所传讲的, we may not really understand it我们可能不能真知道, until we apply it 直到我们实际应用它sharing in the suffering of Christ 先在基督的受苦...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:12  

... delivered them from their enemies’ hands神拯救了他们脱离了仇敌的手, the blazing fire couldn’t harm them 烈火不能把他们烧坏, and the Lions’ mouths were shut by God狮子的嘴巴被神封住了and they were unable to hurt Daniel 他们不能伤害但以理al...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:11:09  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:50%] [50%]2017-10-01 The Lord\'s prayer 主祷文 (4)
...Our enemy Satan never ceases to try to confuse our identities. 我们的仇敌撒旦从没停止来混乱我们的身份。In the church service, 在聚会中,we say we believe that we are God’s children, 我们说信自己是神的儿女 ,but how you really see yourself who you are in ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:29:23  

...爱和能力传递给世界。That’s the enemy’s scheme. 那是仇敌的诡计。 Lord, pour out Your Spirit on us. 主,求你将你的灵浇灌我们。 we pray. 我们呼求你, And grant us more of Your Spirit of wisdom and revelation, 求你更多赐给我们智慧和启示的...
发表于 2022-11-20 16:59:01  

...的,“人所行的,若蒙耶和华喜悦,耶和华也使他的仇敌与他和好。”箴言16:7It means that if our eyes don’t look at others to react when we think they treat us badly, but look to the word of God, and give ears to His commandants and do what is right in H...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:55  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:49%] [49%]2017-10-15 The Lord\'s prayer 主祷文 (6)
.... (Luke 10:19) 我已经给你们权柄可以践踏蛇和蝎子,又胜过仇敌一切的能力,断没有什么能害你们”(路10:19)  The power of God in us is to help us to overcome the power of sin of the flesh ,这神的能力在我们里面是帮助我们胜过肉体和罪...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:29:39  
