...time of God's coming to
you." (19:43-44) 因为日子将到,你的仇敌必筑起土垒,周围环绕你,四面困住你,并要扫灭你和你里头的儿女,连一块石头也不留在石头上,因你不知道眷顾你的时候。(路加福音19:43-44)History has witnessed wha...
...以践踏蛇和蝎子and to overcome all the power of
the enemy又胜过仇敌一切能力 (see Luke
10:19,路10:19)! Well, some will ask那么,有人会问, “Why do we still
get spiritual attacked by the devil sometimes为什么我们有时还被魔鬼攻击呢?” “Why do we...
...d them to subdue the enemy 他们与神的亲密关系就能使他们制服仇敌,and
share in God’s rule on earth. 并与神一同在地上掌权。Nature
would have been under human control, 自然界就仍会在人类掌权中,and
there wouldn’t have been climate change就不...
...入战场。The enemy will
never stop knocking at the door of our hearts. 仇敌永远不停地敲我们的心门。He knocks, who is there? 他在敲门,是谁啊?Pride, comparison,
and inferiority…骄傲,比较,自卑…He will continue to knock, who is there? 他继续敲,...
...ur enemy is ready to bring us to the court
of heaven to defeat us我们的仇敌要把我们告上天上的法庭, leading to
torment.以击败我们,叫我们受折磨。But only our faith saves us!只有我们的信心可以救我们!Faith doesn’t ignore the facts信心不是忽视事...
...物呢?你如此爱我,你愿我能站在你得胜的地位上去胜过仇敌,因此荣耀你的名。Forgive me,
that like Adam and the Jews, I didn’t acknowledge the
existenceof a spiritual battle, that the devil is like a roaring lion looking
for someone,who is not keeping the word...
...去祷告)---forgiving (祷告到饶恕)---loving
your enemies(爱仇敌)---committing
yourself to the Lord who judge justly (交托自己按公义审判的主---waiting for God's judgement 等候神的断定。Can you find any truth that is involved in the old thinking model? 这个思...
... us down anytime if we don’t seek God. 因为不寻求神,那恶者仇敌就可以随时把我们打倒。So to seek God means to turn to God, 寻求神意味着转向神,not to turn to self-talk or a problem fixing orientation. 而不是转向自言自语或解决问题为导向。
If ...
Lord, guide me to walk in way of loving You, and of
serving You only! Lead me to walk in the way of loving others, so that I may
worship You in my daily practice to glorify Your name! Thank you Lord, in Jesus