...不管用的。 It has given the enemy opportunity to steal, kill 这给了仇敌偷窃、杀害的机会、and destroy my health, relationships, finances,
and every aspect of my life. 来毁坏我的健康、人际关系、财务以及我生活的方方面面。I need Your ongoing forgiveness and ...
...n’t push him down with compliant or unforgiveness or
disappointment.仇敌不能藉着埋怨, 不饶恕,或沮丧使他跌倒。Because
Christ rested himself in the Father.因为主基督安息在父怀里。 And he
shared life with the Father.他与父同享生命。In God’s perfec...
...is life for us while we were still His enemies .他先为我们这些做他仇敌的把命舍了。 It is not He who commands us to love him first, 不是祂命令我们先要爱祂,but He, the Almighty God who came to love us first by giving His
life up for us.而是这位全能神先为我们...
had actually become enemies of God, 事实上他们已经成了神的仇敌,so
that when the Son of God was in their midst, 以至于神儿子来到他们中间时,they
tried to kill him.他们就想杀他。What a serious lesson for us
to learn as people of God living in the NT! 作为...
...己的想法而遭受失败。他们在困苦中呼求神的名,神又从仇敌手中解救他们。This same thing happened over and over again, they walked in a cycle
of sin and deliverance. 同样的事不断重复,以色列人走在犯罪和拯救的循环圈中;But
they still didn&rsquo...
...否有不饶恕的人—any foothold I
have given the enemy --我给仇敌留的地步, that has weakened
my faith削弱了我的信心, and kept me from
fully trusting You in my circumstances. 让我在困境中无法完全相信你。Perhaps I have judged someone, 也许...
...nemies around Jesus Christ to challenge him? 为什么神允许这么多的仇敌来挑战耶稣?Why does God allow people around us to challenge
our faith or oppose our faith? 为什么神允许我们周围的人来挑战或反对我们的信仰?Does
anyone like conflict? 有人喜欢冲突...
...ave sincere love for your enemies可以检查心里有没有神的爱来爱仇敌, before you couldn’t accept them之前你是不能接纳他们, but now you have divine love to accept them from
the heart但现在你有神的爱从心里来接纳他们. 2, What does “see God” mean...
tortured by the enemy through unforgiveness and bitterness. 我不想被仇敌借着不饶恕和苦毒来折磨, I want to be free. 我想要自由, I want my spiritual territory to be
enlarged, 我想扩张我的属灵领地, so that
living water can flow out of me to influence others&he...
to be able to defeat the enemy’s scheme 能去打败仇敌的计谋。1 John
2:11, 约翰一书2:11,But anyone who
hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness.
They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them. ...