... died strangely 后来他奇异的死了,and failed the battle, 在属灵争战中失败了,that’s a long story. 这是一个很长的故事。But God isn’t unjust 但是神不是不公义,and didn’t forget the good things he had done at the beginning as a
Christian. 神没...
6, pray to overcome spiritual warfare (v.13) 6, 祷告属灵争战得胜。
7, Declare His sovereignty in faith (v.14)7,在信心里宣告祂的至高权能。
3, Pray to the Father (v.9a). 向天父祷告
When you pray, “Our Father in heaven&rdq...
...his resting place from his
internal struggles. 也是惟一止息他内心争战的安息之处。The wilderness experience is not
pleasant for our flesh. 旷野的经历对我们的肉体来说是不好受的。
It’s a remote
place emotionally or physically, 这是现实生活...
...d sisters, 弟兄姊妹, we’re in the battle. 我们正处于属灵争战中。But Jesus our Lord promised us, 但主耶稣应许我们, John 12:32 "Do not be afraid, little flock, for
your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.
..., the Philistines assembled to fight Israel非利士人聚集与以色列争战, Saul waited for
Samuel for seven days扫罗等撒母耳等了七天, and didn’t see
Samuel还不见撒母耳来到, so he offered burnt offerings
himself他就自己献了燔祭, which he wasn’t allowed t...
...ugh the Gospel, 藉着福音,神为我们准备了七种赢得属灵争战的兵器, “truth 真理,righteousness公义, peace平安, faith信德, salvation救恩, the word of God神的话, prayer祷告。” It says这里说,God has given us full armor神...
...因圣灵内驻而重生开始, we are put into a battle就被放进一场争战中, where we are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit 神吩咐我们要被圣灵充满 (see Eph 5:18,弗5:18), Even the Son of
God who has no sin甚至耶稣身为神儿子,没有罪, before he started
...时候, you are involved in a spiritual warfare你已被卷入一场属灵争战? Where two kingdoms are grabbing people交战双方都在抢夺人! The kingdom of Satan tries to seize his territory in people’s hearts撒旦的国想要夺取人的心为领地, but the Kingdom of God through th...
...from him the battle bow, from him every
We all know
that ‘cornerstone’ refers to Christ Jesus, 我们知道“房角石”是指基督耶稣,but few know
that Christ is...