...心是一生的操练, which involves spiritual warfare, 并涉及属灵争战。2 Tim 提后1:7 says说,fear is not just a feeling, 惧怕不仅仅是一种感觉,it’s a spirit.它是一个灵,It’s an evil power, 是一种恶势力,which can cause pressure.可以造成压力...
...s commandments
and hold to the testimony of Jesus 撒旦必定与神子民争战,就是那守神诫命,为耶稣做见证的
(see Re 12:17,见 启示录12:17). And many hidden
things will be brought to the surface许多隐藏的事将要显露, people seem to think that troubles are incre...
...rst, God will fight for us.若我们把神放第一位,神就要为我们争战。Do not give your leftovers to the Lord, BUT give Him your first. 不要把剩下的给神,但把最好的给他。Every
morning when we wake up, give Him your first time and your first energy to Him.
..., when the Amalekites and Israelites were at war亚玛力人与以色列人争战, as long as Moses’s hands were raised to pray只要摩西一直举手祷告, and they were depending on God并且他们依靠神, they won他们就得胜. So 因此,“Moses built an altar
and called the n...
...,我们可以同享王权。However, the
battle is continuing. 然而,争战仍在继续。On both personal and
missional levels, 无论是在个人层面还是使命层面,Satan tries to reduce
the Kingdom territory we’re conquering 撒但都试图消减我们所要夺回的神国领...
as a great conflict,
使徒保罗把他为歌罗西教会属灵争战的祷告描述为尽心竭力,even though most of the Colossian Christians
had never
met him in person. 尽管他们中间大多数人从未见过保罗本人。Yet, he fought for them in his prayers. 但保罗为...
...在任何时代的任何教会中。 We are in a battle. 我们处在属灵争战中。God’s purpose is to purify us by the truth.神要用真理来洁净我们。 But the enemy’s purpose is to seduce
us away from focusing on Jesus.
但是仇敌想要引诱我们远离神。 And our re...
...h we are given is to help us to fight! 神赐我们的信心是帮助我们争战的!As Christians, we are fighters and warriors!作为基督徒,我们是打仗的,是勇士!In the journey of growth, 在成圣的路上,we’re not to fight against people when we feel wronged or hurt....
... only to be still, be silent). (Exodus 14:14)”
Do you wanna see God’s wonders to be
revealed in times of trouble? 你想在困境中看见神奇妙作为吗?Pray
until your heart find rest in the peace of Christ. 祷...