...iven Adam. 撒旦开始统治神给亚当的领地。In this world在这个世界we see divorce我们看到离婚, genetic diseases遗传病, depression抑郁, poverty贫穷, and suicide自杀。These are the
fruits brought by the demonic invader. 这些都是恶魔入侵者带来的果子。But be...
...ole world is under the control
of Satan. 事实上,圣经告诉我们全世界都卧在那恶者以下。And without the
salvation of Jesus, 若没有耶稣的救恩,no one can escape
generational curse because of the work of Sin and Satan. 无人可以脱离因罪和撒旦造成的累代的...
world? 有没有注意到——我们生活在一个负面的世界?When you open
newspapers and start to read, 每当你一打开报纸,you will find many
negative news that occur every day. 就看到许许多多负面新闻,Such as broken
families, 家庭破裂,broken rela...
...save us from the slavery of Satan and this world为要将我们从撒旦和世界的权下赎买出来, and to become His sons and daughter成为祂的儿女. It was for
our sake He became poor祂为我们成为贫穷, in order
that His children (we) can share in His riches by grace in faith使我...
...,if we don’t shake off a worldly mindset 如果我们不脱离属世界的思维模式,to be renewed by the Kingdom mindset, 被神国度的思维模式更新,we can’t grow. 我们也不能成长。 If we can’t grow, 如果我们不能成长, we’ll be like Adam,
...quakes,地震, and persecution逼迫which are all in the
need to be strong in faith when difficult times come, 当艰难的日子来到的时候,我们需要在信心里坚固,
so we can stand firm in the Lord.才能在主里站立得稳。Today,
...world in relationship
with Jesus.
因着主耶稣的缘故,我们成为世界的光。We can’t live the old way as though we were still in darkness. 我们不能如同旧人仍行在黑暗中。We are to reflect God’s light to the world. 我们当把神的光带给世人。So we are ...
...你们。33 因为神的粮就是那从天上降下来、赐生命给世界的。”(John约6:32-33) Jesus is saying, 主耶稣是在说:“don’t look to man, but look to God”. “不要倚靠人,要倚靠神。” He is the Source of life...
predestined you and me before the creation of the world,在造世界以先,祂就预定了你和我, This is the truth.这就是真理。If you believe the
truth, 你若信真理 ,you can be set free from all kinds of
rejection and lies, 就可脱离各种被拒绝和谎言,Pe...