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... people everywhere in the earth are deceived into following it, 所以全世界的人都被欺骗去追随它, seeking its protection, security, and provision. 寻求它的保护、安全和供应。We see the epitome of this in the US and Donald Trump, 我们在美国和唐纳德·...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:00:41  

...我们得以被真理洗净. We are light and salt to this world我们是世界的光、世上的盐! And we are ambassadors of reconciliation我们是和睦的大使. But when a divorce occurs但若发生离婚, a marriage relationship has failed and been broken发生婚姻关系的破裂, that&rs...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:32:40  

...助软弱的人。也要向众人忍耐。 Life is messy in this world. 这世界的生活是混乱的。In the video, we’re told the mess looks like broken relationships. 视频中,混乱是讲破碎的关系。The mess looks like life is wasted because of drugs, alcohol, addictions, and ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:09  

... desires of this world, 耶稣一次又一次地呼召我们放下对这个世界的欲望,and points us to different degrees of honour and reward in heaven. 把未来天上有不同程度的荣耀和赏赐指给我们看。In Matt 太19:28, Jesus said, when he returns, 耶稣说,他再来的...
发表于 2024-02-18 15:48:28  

...rarily rules over the world. 黑暗王国的思想和方式暂时统治了世界。But Jesus came to demonstrate that the Kingdom of God is supreme 但耶稣来是要证明神的国是至高的,and will reign forever. 神的国永远掌权。And He came to call us to follow His way to overcome s...
发表于 2023-07-16 23:35:20  

...面有平安。”Because He has overcome the world. 因祂已经胜了世界。 In Him we will have peace to overcome various troubles.在祂里面,我们有平安胜过一切苦难,  this is God’s promise to us这是神的应许。Do you know a man who has no arms and no legs....
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:07  

...m has nothing to do with the governments of this world. 神国度与这个世界的政权无关。The battlefield for the two Kingdoms is in people’s hearts. 两国的战场在人们心中。Is there Sin, 是罪,selfishness, 是自私or pride, 骄傲or unforgiveness, 不饶恕,or manipul...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:00:14  

... to intervene and change the natural realm. 有能力干预和改变物质世界。We see God created the world by His word, 我们看见神用祂的语创造了世界, He calls things that are not as though they were. 祂使无变有。We see the powerful nation of Egypt was forced by God&rsq...
发表于 2022-09-11 17:08:28  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:7%] [7%]2017-10-01 The Lord\'s prayer 主祷文 (4)
...death through one man entered the world. 于是,罪和死由一人进入世界。Thank God for His Son Christ Jesus, 感谢神,赐爱子耶稣基督,through His death and resurrection, 借着祂的死和复活,God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness may r...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:29:23  

...t a far greater impact they could have on the world可想而知,那要给世界带来多大的影响力呢? “Then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them”以后他们所要作的事就没有不成就的了!  Do you know why这是为什么? Because when God’s pe...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:30  
