...ng这毫不令人惊奇, for Jesus foretold
that few will find it因耶稣预言很少人会找到. Even in the age of Paul the apostle甚至在使徒保罗时代, who in the Spirit wrote the letter to Galatians for the church of Galatia保罗在圣灵里写信给加拉太教会信徒, because the ...
... all kinds of
spiritual gifts他们有各样属灵恩赐, like prophecy说预言, healing医治, and
speaking tongues说方言, but they were still merely
infants in Christ但他们还是属灵婴儿, do you know why?为什么 Because they
lived according to the desires of the flesh like mere me...
...om of Judah would be cut
down like a tree and would only remain a stump主预言犹大国将像树被砍伐,仅有树不子存留, because of their disobedience to God’s words因为以色列民不顺服神的话. And the remnant was instructed to take root downward主指示那些余剩的...
...cy over Joseph in Gen 49:22, 记得吗,在创49:22,雅各对约瑟的预言 “Joseph is a
fruitful bough, A fruitful bough by a spring; Its branches run over the wall. 约瑟是多结果子的树枝,是泉旁多结果的枝子,他的枝条探出墙外。Joseph had been
hurt deeply b...
...es to us through His Word and
dreams. 圣灵借着话语和梦对我们发预言。Before the pandemic, 在新冠大流行之前,in January 2020, 在2020年1月,I had a dream, 我做了一个梦,in which I saw three photos passing by in front of me. 我看到有三张照片在我面前经过...
...恩赐传给了这 70 位长老,they all prophesied, 他们都开始说预言,Moses was encouraged. 摩西受到了鼓励。Elijah imparted his spiritual gift to Elisha.
以利亚把他的属灵恩赐传给了以利沙。In the NT, 在新约中,Timothy was imparted spiritual gifts through
... other spiritual gifts signified that they were spiritual认为他们能说预言、说方言、拥有其他属灵恩赐,就是属灵. So Paul the apostle addressed
their problems by clarifying the goal for them to focus on所以使徒保罗指出问题所在,重新澄清他们所要关注的...
...th his eyes, or decide by what he
hears with hisears;这经文是以赛亚预言耶稣的话。他行审判不凭眼见,断是非也不凭耳闻。With his
eyes, he saw, the fact is that after fasting 40 days and 40 nights, hewas
hungry. With his ears, he heard a voice saying “tell these ...
... and the distressed people. 但是她却因从主领受了对我未来的预言, However, Jane received prophetic words
about my future from the Lord, 就对我说,“我不会给你钱吃药的,你在这里跟从耶稣,神就会医治你。”
So she told me that she would
...s foretold us what’s gonna happen in the future, 主耶稣已经预言了未来会发生什么, the overcomers will sit with Jesus on
His throne 那些得胜的将要和耶稣一同坐在宝座上 (Re 启3:21); those who have laid
down everything to follow h...