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[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:61%] [61%]2020-02-09 Light to the World 世界的光
...音十二章引用以赛亚书,来证明耶稣基督应验了这个先知预言。 In Luke 4, 路加福音4章说,when it comes to Jesus’ mission, 当耶稣开始传道时,it says, “the spirit of God is on me, because he has anointed me,” “主的灵在我身上,...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:35  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:60%] [60%]2020-03-01 Wisdom智慧
...没上呢。 When Isaiah prophesied the coming Messiah (Christ), 以赛亚预言将要来的弥赛亚(基督)时, he said in Isa 11:3, that Christ would delight in the fear of the Lord. (以赛亚11:3),他说基督以敬畏耶和华为乐。Because the fear of the Lord is the beginni...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:52  

...。So that your sons and daughters may prophesy. 好使你的儿女能说预言。 The young may see visions and the elderly may dream dreams. 少年人能看见异象,老年人能作异梦。 ...
发表于 2024-07-21 17:06:37  

... second coming with its Capital City the new Jerusalem就如《启示录》预言祂带着圣城新耶路撒冷第二次来临, which was as a reward for those overcomers 这是给得胜者的奖赏who overcame temptation, sin and the devil by doing God’s will 他们遵行神的旨意,胜...
发表于 2022-08-30 12:10:33  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:59%] [59%]2018-12-09 The kingdom of Heaven 天国
... (19:6-8, 21:2) and the book of Zechariah和《撒迦利亚书》 (4:17)的预言. In Revelation 21:1-3(启21:1-3), 21 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” 我又看见一个新天新地,for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away因为先前的天地已...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:36:55  

...丢失的孩子,they foretold people what would happen to them, 他们预言将会发生的事, just like those Egyptian magicians did in front of Moses. 就像在摩西面前行法术的埃及术士。 The bible warns us,圣经警示我们, “and no wonder, 这也不足为怪,...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:59:44  

...att 15:7-9,11,19)7假冒为善的人哪!以赛亚指着你们说的预言是不错的。他说:8‘这百姓用嘴唇尊敬我,心却远离我,9他们……拜我也是枉然。’11入口的不能污秽人,出口的乃能污秽人。” …19因为从心...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:59:02  

...iel and the book of revelation. 和基督国度再来耶路撒冷掌权的预言性的应许。And people recognised that understanding God’s promises about what will happen when the physical reign of the Kingdom of Christ comes was very important, 肢体认识到,明白神的对末后基...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:05  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:58%] [58%]2019-11-09 The Heart Matters 神在乎心
...就是大卫的子孙,– the anointed Messiah King or not.即是那预言要来的弥赛亚。But the religious leaders started to slander Jesus. 但宗教领袖却毁谤耶稣。They said to people that Jesus was the ruler of demons. 说他是靠鬼王赶鬼。Then Jesus started his teach...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:50  

...ut down the prophetic and supernational movement of God 使来自于神的预言性的、超自然的工作停止运行,and raised up her own false prophets.并设立了自己的假先知。In short, 总之the power (or the spirit) of witchcraft seduces people into self-promotion and self-focus....
发表于 2022-11-27 14:56:30  
