... and power to reach out to
the world. 无法将你的爱和能力传递给世界。That’s the enemy’s scheme. 那是仇敌的诡计。 Lord, pour out Your Spirit on us. 主,求你将你的灵浇灌我们。 we pray. 我们呼求你, And grant us more
of Your Spirit of wisdom and re...
...文化中心, and one of the seven wonders of the ancient world .又是世界七大古迹之一。Can you
imagine, 想一下, if you had been Nebuchadnezzar and built such a
fabulous city, 如果你是尼布甲尼撒,建了这么一座璀璨的城市, how would you
have felt? 感觉如何...
... are the wisdom of God, 你是智慧的父,the light of the world, 你是世界的光, and the perfect revelation of the Father's
heart. 天父心意的完美彰显。 In Your great wisdom and love, 在你伟大的智慧和大爱中, You humbled Yourself, 你谦卑虚己, coming to earth to...
...when you try to shake off the worldly mindset, 当你尝试摆脱属世界的思想,and commit yourself to radical obedience to Jesus
Christ, 要将自己交托耶稣全然顺服的那一刻开始,he will be busy trying to get you to
back to where you were. 牠就忙活起来,...
...明国度,We shouldn’t follow the ways
of the world. 不当跟从世界的法则;We need to change our beliefs
about what honour and shame are, 我们需要改换自己所信的荣辱观,and what it really means to be
greater and honoured in the Kingdom of God. 去认识什么是神...
...去战胜肉体的私欲、 and the enticement of the world and Satan 世界和撒但的诱惑,by doing what was right in Your eyes. 行了你眼中认为对的事。 Father, give me Your Spirit of wisdom and revelation, 天父,求你赐我智慧启示的灵, so that I may ...
...导我们,祷告和赞美可以使我们不定睛“自我”的世界,and back on God. 重新回到神的身上。 In times of crisis, if we confess who He is, we’re reminded that life is not all about ourselves. 在危难时,若我们宣告祂是谁,我们就会被提醒...
...和奖赏! To overcome the self就是靠恩典胜过自己, the world胜过世界, and the devil by His grace胜过魔鬼, so that we may
inherit all things to be like kings就能象王一样承受这些为业. Who is the king谁是王? Christ Jesus耶稣基督! Who has been exalted祂被高...