I think this world never wants a meek person to be a
leader我想这个世界绝不要一个温柔的领袖, but
wants a dynamic, eloquent and ambitious leader但要有活力、能言善辩、有雄心的人。But Jesus Christ the Son of God但耶稣基督,神的儿子, in His third
...re You call me to go, go into the
world, 因此你呼召我去,去到这世界,go into my family去到我家中, go into where I’m called to be去到你呼召我去的地方, to tell people that a God from Heaven loves
them, 去告诉人们天上有位神爱他们and You want me to
...arts all over the world. 属灵上,神的国借着圣灵内住在全世界的信徒心里Jesus
says, “Old wineskins can’t
contain the new wine.” 主耶稣说,新酒不能装在旧皮袋里。
What is the old wineskin? 什么是旧皮袋?In
this context it...
...; Even secular reports show that worry is a pointless and damaging activity世界的研究也表明,忧虑是无意义带有破坏性的. When you worry你忧虑时, you are predicting the future是在预测未来. You are saying你是说, ‘I know that things will turn out badly我知道事...
...s in the heavenly places是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。 Our enemies are not people我们的敌人不是人, and are not your husband,
wife and your children不是你的丈夫...
...posite to that
of the kingdom of the world. 因为天国的生活方式与世界的生活方式是完全相反的,We must learn and live by
Kingdom principle to receive the benefits of residency in the Kingdom.我们必须学习并活在神国的法则里,才能得着神国居民的福利。
...worldly thoughts we hold on
to. 仇敌希望我们被我们自己抓住的世界的价值观拘禁,That’s why we need to build our Christian
foundations on the Word of God. 这就是为什么我们的信仰需要建基在神的话上。Eph 弗4:26-32 In your anger
do not sin: do not let t...
...e was the first person on earth to recognise Jesus was the son
of God. 全世界他第一个认出耶稣是神儿子。But when he was
put in a prison hearing what Jesus was doing, 但他被下到监里,听到耶稣所行的preaching the gospel and healing the sick. 只是传讲福音医治病...
...像。The way of this world is all about greed as much as possible. 这个世界的道路就是不停地贪更多。But for us, sons and daughters of
the kingdom of Light, 但是对于我们,神国的儿女们,we shouldn’t seek to be rich fools, yet forfeit our souls!不要为了追求成...
again try to feed ourselves on worldly things.” 并且不再会用世界上的东西喂养我们的灵魂。 In the last
days, 在末后,Jesus warned us that false Christs and false prophets would appear, 耶稣警戒我们,假基督和假先知会出现,and that even the elect would...