...a result of the entrance of sin into the universe. 因为死因罪入了这世界,罪带来的后果就是祸患灾难,也因此进入人类生活。But
God can work all things out for the good of those who love Him. Isn’t He worthy to be feared? 但神使万事互相效力,叫爱神的...
...果你的心相信,“in this fallen world, “在这个堕落的世界里,Jesus loves me, 耶稣爱我,He is with me, 祂与我同在,I’ve gotta allow His peace, His
righteousness, His love to rule in my heart, 我要让祂的平安, 公义和爱在我心中掌权,no matter...
...difference in
the cold world 一个饶恕的生命,会给这个冰冷的世界带来巨大的改变, and allows You to enlarge the Kingdom territory through us. 并让你通过我们来扩张神国的领地。 But unforgiveness only poisons and imprisons
us 但不饶恕只会毒害和禁锢我...
...字架的羞辱,to proclaim the gospel
of the Kingdom to the world. 向世界宣扬神国的福音。Through Jesus’
death and resurrection, 藉着耶稣的死和复活,our sins can be
forgiven, 我们的罪得赦免,our lost territory can be regained. 我们失去的领地可以被重...
under the control of the evil one. 我们知道我们是属 神的,全世界都卧在那恶者手下;The enemy manipulates the world to place
images of false gods, 魔鬼引诱世人将偶像or symbols of the kingdom of darkness, 或黑暗国度的图案,on cups or clothing, 放在杯子...
...orld greatly with the gospel to the world 从而借着福音他们对整个世界产生了极大的影响。Dying to sin, and living in Christ is the only way leads us to sanctification
(becoming more like Christ), 向罪死向基督活,是我们成圣(变得更像基督) 的唯一方法,which ...
...allen emotions drive the worldly behaviour of the
nations. 我们看见全世界人的行为导向都在被犯罪后的情绪所驱使When Adam lost
his connection with the Father, 当亚当失去与父的连接,he became an orphan, 就成了孤儿, what he passed down to us is the orphan ment...
... but this is based on what
we’ve absorbed from the world但这是从世界里吸收的价值观, not from the
truth并不从真理来. From the east to the west不管东方西方, husbands and wives argue about who is right丈夫和妻子们争谁对 谁错, parents and
children argue about...
... to others意思就是我比别人差. So from the worldly point of view从世界的眼光看, poverty is closely linked to shame贫穷与羞耻紧密相关. But Jesus says, “blessed are the poor is spirit” 主却说,“灵里贫穷的人有福了”. What exactly does it mean ...
...洁生活太难了,because we live in a world full of temptation, 这个世界满了诱惑,- the lust of the flesh,肉体情欲,the lust of the eyes, 眼目情欲,and the pride of life.并今生的骄傲。” Yes, there are temptations,
是的,世上是有诱惑,but the truth says,...