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...也同我在那里,叫他们看见你所赐给我的荣耀;因为创立世界以前,你已经爱我了。Jesus prayed that he would give us the glory because of the Father’s love,and that this glory was given to him before he could give it to us. . 耶稣祷告,因天父的爱,祂...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:16  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:6%] [6%]2017-05-24 Two kinds of faith 两种信心
...耶稣宣告拉撒路的复活,宣告他来是要将永生的盼望带给世界。我们都知道复活。just as what Martha said, “I know we will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”. This is fundamental faith, a basic and essential creed that we believe. 正如马大...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:40  

...ical battle. 使徒保罗清楚地指出,这场争战并不是物质世界的战争。though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  因为我们虽然在血气中行事,却不凭着血气...
发表于 2022-02-14 12:14:24  

...ple complain everywhere in the world both West and East,由东到西,在世界各地都会听到这样的抱怨:“the church is like a club” “教会和俱乐部没啥差别”,“attending church no longer makes sense” “去教会没啥意思”,&ld...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:31  

...The whole world is under the control of the power of the fear of death. 全世界都卧在对死亡的恐惧之下。Where is its power? 它的权势体现在哪里?This clearly says, 这节经文明明白白地说,that the sting of death is sin, 死的毒钩就是罪,but the power of sin is ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:26  

...ful spreading the gracious gospel to the world. 将恩典的福音传播给世界。That’s Paul the apostle. 那人是使徒保罗。There are total of 21 epistles in the NT, 新约共有21封书信,13 of which are written by Paul. 其中13封是保罗写的。Today, we are looking at 1 Cor ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:23  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:5%] [5%]2019-02-03 Jesus Heals 耶稣的医治
...禧年。This is what a church should do in the world这就是教会在这世界里要做的。This is also the function of the church in the world也是教会在世上的功能。May the Holy Spirit remind us always of what God desires to do in His church and through His church to the world求...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:37:00  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:5%] [5%]2018-07-29 The Lord’s Prayer 主祷文(六)
...the salvation of Jesus is such real我们蒙拯救释放的见证,是向世界显明 耶稣的救恩是那么真实! Raymond and I went there. Raymond和我到了他家, after a short talk交谈了几句后, I felt like leading this ten years old kid to do a prayer of confession我的领受是...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:34:23  

...意图, “If you want all these good things in the world若你想要世界上的好东西, if you bow down and worship me若你来拜我, I’ll give them to you我就可以把他们都给你.” Do you see? 看见吗What is temptation?什么是试探? “temptation is the work o...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:34:16  

...的折磨。I only wanted to get my pain sorted. 我也不认识属灵的世界,不警醒,I didn’t really know the reality of the spiritual world, and I wasn’t alert也不知道只是嘴巴的悔改,内心的营垒不去打掉, I didn’t even know if I just prayed with my mouth b...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:11:12  
