...r their sins and the sins of the world will
be comforted那些为自己和世界的罪而哀恸的人会得着安慰. The third, those who are gentle and controlled by God’s power will overflow
with God’s power温柔的、受神能力管制的人,会涌流出神的能力. The fourth,...
...神。 (哥林多后书 1:9)
In this fallen world, 在这个堕落的世界,nobody can get away from pain or
suffering or hardship. 无人可以逃脱苦难和艰难。But God uses pain or suffering or
difficulties to prepare people’s hearts to long desperately for His work! 但神用...
...ing of the Kingdom of God, 神国度的王 the Saviour of the world, 拯救世界的救赎主,the author and finisher of our faith, 信心的创始成终者,who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, 因圣灵感孕,led and empowered by the Holy Spirit 由圣灵引导,被圣灵充满,to bring G...
...he victory that has overcome the
world – our faith. 4使我们胜了世界的,就是我们的信心。(约一5:4下) In other words, 换句话说, it’s all about
faith. 这全都关乎信。 What we really
believe determines whether we overcome fear or not. 我们真正信...
...asic structures of His delegated-authority
in this world圣经说,神在世界中授立了四种权柄: Family家庭, Government政府, Church教会, Business职场. A, In a Family家庭里. The wife is to submit to her husband as to the Lord妻子顺服丈夫,就如顺服主, and th...
...兄姊妹,we live in a corrupted world, 我们活在一个堕落的世界,and we all have a sinful nature within us. 每个人里面都有罪性。 We are not called to change others, 我们蒙召不是改变别人, to blame others when we get hurt, “you are...
...ll doing all
over the world. 人们对耶稣过去所行的和现在仍在世界各地所行的神迹感到稀奇。How can we discern what
is from the Holy Spirit, and what is from evil spirits (a false holy spirit), so
that we may immediately close the door for them to steal, kill, and destroy ...
...稣说 “The
field is
the world.
Matt 13:38.”
田地就是世界; (太 13:38) Jesus says, “I
have chosen
you out
of the
world. John
15:19b” 耶稣说,我从世界中拣选了你们 (约 15:19) We’re chosen out of the field. 我们从田地中被拣选。In 1...
...ness主谈到真正的快乐, which is not what the world tells us那不是世界所说的快乐. The world says世界这么说, if you are wealthy,
you are happy如果你有钱,你就快乐. If you are
respected, you are happy如果你受尊重,你就快乐. But when death comes但当死亡...