... is a time
for us to resist the lure of worldly wisdom, 这是我们抵制世俗智慧的诱惑, and to diligently seek out true wisdom. 努力寻求真正智慧的时刻。箴言3章13节V.13, Blessed
are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, 得智慧、得聪明的,这人便...
...y for his own earthly
pleasure, 耶稣从来没有用他的身体来满足世俗的快乐,so that when he wasn’t happy, he complained, blew up and acted like Adam.
以至于当他不顺心,就抱怨,发怒,像亚当一样。Never! 从来没有! The birth of Jesus was for the cross....
...Are we seeking world
values that are changeable我们是要寻求多变的世俗价值观呢? Or the kingdom’s value that remains forever还是要寻求存到永恒的天国价值观? Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit
the earth! 温柔的人有福了,他们必承受地土!
...ing 自夸 (in the worldly
standards of trying to be better than others照世俗的标准想比他人好
– causing disorder导致扰乱 – evil practices 坏事 (to be utilised by the demonic
power 被恶者利用)Purity清洁: a pure heart
清洁的心 – being peaceable
...o;。A worldly worldview leaves us feeling lost and sad due to
injustice. 世俗的世界观让我们因不公正而感到迷失和悲伤。But in God’s Kingdom, 但在神的国度中,the story is different. 故事是不同的。our
King blesses the humble, 我们的王祝福那些谦卑...
...我的…我的钱,我的房子……”; Secularism世俗化, “God, You stay on Your side of the fence and I won’t bother
You…”“上帝,你别管我,我也不麻烦你…”Narcissism自恋, “I’m the centre...I’m n...
...my soul
with too much media and worldly stuff, 而是用太多的媒体和世俗的东西喂养我的灵魂,I
lost my spiritual appetite for Your Word, 我失去了对你的话语的属灵胃口,I
failed in many ways.’ 我在很多方面都失败了。If that’s you, you can
now c...
...e temptations.”因此,安息在我们在基督里的身份,抵挡世俗的方式来证明我们是谁,有助于我们胜过试探。Of course we need to spend time on the word of God. 当然我们需要花时间在神的话语上。“I’m saved, I’m loved by the Crea...
...er the basic principles of the world. 3我们为孩童的时候,受管于世俗小学之下,也是如此。4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son,
born of a woman, born under the law, 4及至时候满足, 神就差遣他的儿子,为女子所生,且生在律法以下...
...esires to gain more of Your rule in my life? 我真愿意欢欢喜喜放下世俗的私欲,让生命更多被你掌管吗?Will I kick You out of my heart if I
lose money because of setting others free like that whole town did? 我会像那合城的人,因释放救他人导致自己财务受...