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...ther than to  believe our feelings or what we saw with our eyes. 而不信自己的感觉感受和眼见耳闻。 I remember the first time Jane challenged us to spend more time with Jesus, rather than on movies,我记得第一次Jane挑战我们要花更多时间与耶稣在一起,而...
发表于 2024-06-20 16:10:52  

...ed to do it, 她也不去做,exposing her unbelief, and said 反而说出不信的话“No…the body must be smelly, for it has been there for four days.” “不……他现在必是臭了,因为他死了已经四天了。”   “Covid is at you...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:07:33  

...s, 不饶恕、 complaints, 抱怨、 restlessness and unbelief. 不安和不信的奴仆,The victim mindset makes God’s people lie down like the man who was paralysed and unable to walk. 受害者心态让神子民像那瘫子躺倒在地无法行动。 God doesn’t want us to lie d...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:06  

...he boss required me to make false accounts to avoid taxes, I resigned. 不信主的男朋友也分手了。Meanwhile, I broke up with my boyfriend who did not believe in the Lord. 我正处在生病,没有钱,没有工作,也没有婚姻的低谷中,At that time, I was ill, withou...
发表于 2023-09-18 01:44:09  

...reached through disobedience, unbelief, or unrepentant sin. 唯有悖逆、不信或不悔改的罪, 能破坏这属天的保守。 Therefore, 因此, we must pray daily for discernment to recognise the enemy’s traps. 我们当日日祷告, 求赐下属灵的分辨力, 识别仇敌的陷阱...
发表于 2025-01-27 16:42:54  

...中,Job never believed that God was tempting him to do wrong. 约伯从不信是神在试探他,不信是神做错事。 Though he questioned his circumstances 虽然他质疑自己的处境,and struggled with despair, 并在灰心绝望中挣扎,he never blamed God for his suffering, 但...
发表于 2025-03-11 16:03:11  

... Your unfailing love that is for changing me to be more like you, 赦免我不信你的慈爱是为改变我的生命更像你,forgive me for yielding to fear, guilt and shame 赦免我顺从了惧怕、罪疚感和羞耻感,and struggling to be good enough instead of repenting. 挣扎着去&ldq...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:16  

... and speak. How could I have been dead?” 圣经解释说,我们在不信的时候,在神面前,是死在罪中;但我们或许会说:“我没死啊,我可以走,可以吃,可以说话,我怎会是死人呢?”Since Adam fell into temptation, his spirit died, manki...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:29  

...rd are non-believers. 我们必须意识到这三个人没有一个是不信的。Because Jesus calls them His servants. 因为耶稣称他们为祂的仆人。Secondly, 第二,they all have tasted the heavenly gift, 他们都尝过天恩的滋味,and received the Holy Spir...
发表于 2022-02-14 12:14:24  
