years ago, “16年前,I
didn’t believe either, 我也不信,
I hate religion.我讨厌宗教。”
She stared at me wide-eyed shocked.她眼睛瞪得大大的,震惊地看着我。And I continued, 我继续说,“I
hate religion, “我讨厌宗教,becaus...
...s such a poor sinner我父亲是个可怜的罪人, he is a non-believer他不信主, who is totally kept under the control of the devil完全在恶者的掌控之下, and was impacted by worldly values受这世界价值观的影响, his identity is based on what he has他的身份认同感是基于...
...人”的条件呢? How can non-believers do the
Father’s will不信的人怎能遵行天父旨意? Of course they can’t当然不能. Only those who are people of God只有神子民才行. Therefore那么, the only reasonable explanation of “in heaven” is that it must ha...
...你的律法…they can’t even believe in Your sovereignty甚至不信你的主权…” whatever等等! Now Since Jesus Christ
died and was resurrected from dead既然耶稣基督死了又复活, Jesus declared祂宣告, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been give...
...or your unbelieving family
members, or friends tell you to do. 或者你不信的家人和朋友告诉你该做的事。Discerning
and resisting lies 分辨和抵制谎言,and allowing the truth to
rule in our hearts 让真理在我们心中掌权,is essential. 是至关重要的。4,The Ki...
...his heart. 他没有全心信靠神。 Unbelief
opens a door to idolatry. 不信就给拜偶像开了门。
2. Idolatry affects people generationally. 拜偶像对人世世代代的影响
Idolatry is when people worship, bow down to
idols. 拜偶像是指人向偶像下拜。They could...
...judgement towards God’s delegated authority. 因着我在环境里的不信,就废了基督的付上除咒诅的功效。I couldn’t nullify
what Christ had done on the cross to cancel the curses of my sins through my unbelief.
我知道这营垒不是一天就建起来的,Now the s...
...,not in the feelings or in
the reasonable thoughts of the fallen nature.不信天然人的感觉和自认为合理的想法”
New wine, of course refers to a fresh outpouring of the Holy
Spirit. 新酒当然是指圣灵的新鲜浇灌。In Jesus’
reply, 在耶稣的...
...lfriend who was a non –Christian还是正在交往的女友?那女友不信主。Nee had been praying earnestly to seek God’s permission倪柝声就恳切求神准许他的交往, but God didn’t answer但神没有回应. He was in great distress
because that once young people had ...
...言,we open a legal door
for the spirit of unbelief and confusion 就为不信和迷惑之灵打开合法的门,to torture us. 让我们自己受折磨。Shame, fear,
anxiety, can cause depression, 羞耻感、惧怕和焦虑可能导致抑郁、mental illness 精神疾病and physical