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..., and those who are non-believers will be put into the eternal fire那些不信的人将被投入永火中. Then in Revelation 21然后到了《启示录》二十一章, we see that eventually the promised new heaven and new earth come应许的新天新地终于来到, and those who are ready for ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:36:32  

...人照自己的标准判断,rather than trust God’s judgement, 却不信靠神的审判。 so that they become spiritually blind. 让人成了属灵的瞎子。“I’m right, “我是对的, I haven’t done any wrong” 我没有做错任何事。”Trump twee...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:00:39  

...en he was rejected by people who didn’t believe in his words, 当人不信他的话拒绝他时,he wasn’t offended, 他不生气,rather, he immediately recognised the Father’s good will by giving thanks,反而,他立刻意识到这有父的美好旨意并为此献上感谢...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:49  

...ghteousness, unbelief, fear, and insecurity. 我求你拆毁自以为是、不信、恐惧和不安全感的营垒。You’re my King who loves me, You’re my King forever.”你是爱我的王……你永远是我的王。”  Now you can pray on your own. 现在你...
发表于 2023-06-26 11:46:13  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:59%] [59%]2019-10-06 Rest in Christ 基督里的安息
...alism, 律法主义、disobedience, 不顺服、doubt, 怀疑、unbelief, 不信、pride, etc骄傲等,which cause us to live in fear, 它们使我们生活在恐惧、shame, 羞耻感、condemnation, 定罪感、worries, 忧虑、anxieties, 焦虑、lies, 谎言、addictions, 上瘾、lust, ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:33  

...osed His teaching were put into a dry land! 但那些见到神迹奇事但不信的就进入了枯干之地。Jesus remains the same yesterday, today and forever! 耶稣是昔在今在以后永在的神!Miraculous signs and wonders are for the purpose of bringing people to God to receive salvat...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:47:32  

...rejection,manipulation, 拒绝操纵的灵,lies, 谎言、 unbelief, 不信的灵,and the spirit of death that has numbed my emotions. 麻木情感的死亡之灵之间的约。I rebuke you all to go out of my life. 我奉主名斥责你们从我的生命中离开。 I break the agreement wi...
发表于 2024-05-27 12:49:40  

...through you 若你把神放第一,你会成为很多人的祝福,你的不信家人要因你看见救恩。If you put God fist in your life, your faith can be a supernatural pipe to overflow God’s amazing work to those around you. 若你把神放第一,你的信心将成为神奇妙...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:01  

...erness, 苦毒、anger, 愤怒、doubt, 怀疑、unbelief, and judgement. 不信和论断。They are all the fruit of a victim mentality. 这些都是受害者心态的果实。This old way of thinking was passed down from Adam, 这种旧的思维方式从亚当那里传下来,who shifted resp...
发表于 2024-06-23 18:47:44  

...d of criticizing them the way we did as non-Christians, 而不当像我们不信主的时候那样去批评他们,for the purpose of glorifying God’s name. 这样做是为荣耀神。  We respect because we are respected by God when we don’t deserve the respect,我们尊...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:50:20  
