...o;t trust in God in the situation”. 而是在于你在环境中根本不信靠神。”In the book of Matthew, 在马太福音里,Jesus commented on the disciples’ faith at least 5 times by saying, 当论到门徒的信心,耶稣至少有五次说“You of little faith.&rdquo...
week we examined first temptation of Jesus, this week we are gonna to look at
the second one – the pride of life. Let’s read Matt 4: 5-7. 上周我们分享了第一个耶稣所受的试探,这...
...l, not trapping us into evil. 我们感到被冒犯跌倒,是因为我们不信指正是帮助我们脱离患难,而不是害我们。 Offence leads to unbelief. 接受冒犯感导致不信。 Jesus says in Matthew 11:6耶稣说And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.&...
...旁。This represents unbelievers who aren’t saved 是指不得救的不信的人。 (Luke 8:12) Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and
takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be
saved. 【Luk路8:12】那些在路旁的,就...
... the Holy Spirit. 因此圣经说, 不要使圣灵担忧。Sin罪unbelief, 不信disobedience,悖逆unforgiveness不饶恕、bitterness,
苦毒、jealousy嫉妒、 trusting
in ourselves,信自己、 sexual sin, 淫乱、etc等等grieves
the Holy Spirit. 都会使圣灵担忧。 If you grieve th...
...间摇摆:God and the
world, 神和世界,faith and unbelief. 信和不信。James compares the doubter to a wave of the sea, 雅各把疑惑的人比作海里的波浪,blown and tossed by the wind被风吹动翻腾—uncertain whether to trust in God’s promises ——不确...
...有点古怪,coz they don’t believe in miracles nowadays. 因他们不信这个时代还有神迹奇事。Who is the Holy Spirit? 圣灵是谁?The
Holy Spirit is mentioned about 250 times in the NT. 新约里圣灵被提到250次。Consider Jesus himself, 想想耶稣自己,the King of ...
...帝的命令? Whereas unbelievers enjoy the pleasures of this life? 而不信的倒是享受今生?I still remember, 我还记得,when I was non-Christian,当我不是基督徒时,I said this to somebody, 我说过,“what’s the
point in giving my good things to others? 干吗...
... 所以不要忧虑,the unbelievers worry about the
needs of this life. 不信的人担心的是今生的需要。You’re children of
the eternal Kingdom, 你们是永恒国度的儿女,Your heavenly Father
knows what you need.” 你们的天父知道你们需要什么。Then, Jesus...