...Their hearts were filled with worry, fear, and
bitterness. 心里充满了忧虑、恐惧和痛苦 “Forget the former
things; do not dwell on the past.” 你们不要记念从前的事,也不要思想古时的事。Don’t get stuck in
the valley of sorrow through unforgive...
... we won’t
worry about anything, 以至于我们就不必为任何事忧虑了,because He is the
Source of All. 因祂是一切供应的来源。If you get all the
Source, 你要是得着源头,you get Everything.就得着一切。God is the Source of All. 因祂是万有的源头。We&r...
thoughts, or addictions; 私下却仍被前国度的特征所捆绑,像忧虑、论断、有瘾的思想; He doesn’t wanna His people entangled by the
things that they know they shouldn’t do,
祂不希望祂的子民明知道不应该做, but are still doing. 却被捆绑去做...
...1 Peter彼前 5:7), I cast all my anxiety on Him, 我就把一切忧虑都卸给神,and asked for His will to be revealed for me and my family about the vaccination. 并求祂显明对我和家人的旨意。I prayed and waited for His reply. 我祷告等候候祂的回应。On...
...fear…worry…tell the Holy Spirit, 苦毒…恐惧…忧虑…告诉圣灵,you receive His
mercy and love to forgive others and have mercy on them. 你接受祂的怜悯和爱去饶恕别人,怜悯他们。)Holy Spirit, help
me to love… 圣灵,帮助我去...
...出来就是“行法术”的意思)敌挡使徒,要叫方伯不信真道。9 Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with
the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said, 9扫罗又名保罗,被圣灵充满,定睛看他,10 “You are a child of the devil and an enemy...
...se they
lived according to the desires of the flesh like mere men他们像不信的人一样照着私欲活着. For the
bible says因经上说, “Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God 属肉体的人不能得神的喜欢。(Romans 8:8,罗8:8)” Only Christ Jesus, th...
...福音的基本教义。Without belief in a bodily resurrected Jesus, 若不信身体复活的耶稣,and the promise of our bodily resurrection, 也不信我们有身体复活的应许,we are unable to demonstrate the reality of our faith, 就无法证明我们信心的真实,we therefore will...
...p;” who are they ?他们是谁?Are they non-Christians? 他们是不信的人吗?If so, how can a sinner suffer persecution because of Jesus若指不信的人,罪人怎么可能为主受逼迫呢? Apparently显然, Jesus is talking about what the mature Christians’
life would be...
...前,我还没有信主 and believed in no gods but myself! 我什么都不信,就信自己!One day my husband was sitting in the lounge, 一天,我丈夫坐在客厅沙发上
while I was in the bedroom, 我在卧房 suddenly I heard him shout a word to the bedroom, 忽然我听见他朝卧...