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...nbsp; 1, Be aware of Self-centeredness - the root of unbelief.  不信的根—自我中心 Last Sunday we learnt that idolatry made Israel live in poverty and defeat. 上星期天我们学到拜偶像使以色列生活在贫穷和失败之中。And before God sent Gideon out to c...
发表于 2023-04-30 18:53:33  

...们没啥关系, that this is talking about the unbelievers.它讲的是不信的人。 But if you read it carefully, 但如果你仔细去读,you’ll discover that it’s talking about God’s wrath against ALL Sinful Humanity. 就会发现这里说的是神的忿怒临到一...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:50:34  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:42%] [42%]2020-02-16 Children of Light 做光明之子
...uch?” 过去总是无怜悯的对妈妈说,为什么你总是过分忧虑...that day I realised that I could become like my mum if I didn’t have Jesus.那时我发现若没有耶稣我可以像我妈妈一样忧虑。So I prayed to disconnect myself from the same lie, anxiety and fea...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:41  

...有些人说,“I’m worried about money all the time, 我常常忧虑没钱,which stifles (kills) the growth of my faith,以至于属灵生命不能成长, Then, we feel frustrated with ourselves.于是他们就灰心丧气。 Listen, 你听,our hope is not that we are naturally...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:27  

...eve that Jesus was alive. 若没有遇见复活的主, 就是11个门徒都不信耶稣活着。Therefore, if we claim that we have recognised the Lord, we should not judge any more, but pray with the same attitude as that of the Lord. 若文明说自己已经认出了耶稣,就该以基督的...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:05  

...教会同工, one person in the team didn’t believe this其中一个不信, because her heart said因她心里说, “he is just 33 years old, his son is just one year old他才33岁,孩子才一岁, how would God do this to him when He is love神是爱,怎可能让他这样死了. A...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:32:40  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:42%] [42%]2017-09-10 The Lord\'s prayer 主祷文 (1)
...我们的天父。 Are you still worried about tomorrow? 你还为明天忧虑吗?A job?工作? Money?钱?The place you live? 住在哪里?No, 不要忧虑,Stop wasting time. 不要浪费时间。Everything comes from God our Heavenly Father. 一切都是出于神我们的天父。 We wer...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:55  

...太福音26:63:你是神的儿子基督不是?——大祭司不信他;约翰福音10:24:你若是基督,就明明地告诉我们。——犹太人不信他;In John 7: 2-4, But when the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near, 3 Jesus’brothers said to him, “...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:12  

...and disobedience which produce 那些因罪和不顺服而导致的worry, 忧虑、sadness, 悲伤、sorrow, 忧愁、grief and despair 困苦和绝望flee from us! 必逃离我们!We may come to the Lord 我们要来到主面前with gladness, 欢喜,singing 歌唱,and shouting with joy喜...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:18  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:41%] [41%]2019-02-03 Jesus Heals 耶稣的医治
...感起来。But if your heart is bound with worries但要是你的心被忧虑捆住 (worry about tomorrow, health, job, study, finances…担忧明天、健康、工作、学习、财务……等等的事), bound with fear被惧怕捆绑 (what people say about me…别人会...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:37:00  
