...h, the Christ, the Anointed One. 她信耶稣是弥赛亚,基督,那位受膏者。 But surprisingly, 但令人惊讶的是, Jesus did not answer a word. V.23a耶稣却一言不答。 V.23a What?
That’s unfair! 什么? 这太不公平!It must have taken a lot of courage for th...
...sus led by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by Satan? 圣灵为何引耶稣去受魔鬼试探?You may have noticed a strange thing here, 可能你留意到这儿有点儿奇怪,what the point of Jesus being led by the Holy Spirit to be
tempted by the devil?为什么圣灵要引耶稣去受魔鬼...
...before his ministry? 为什么耶稣在开始事工前被圣灵带到旷野受试探?Why did Jesus come
to cast out demons and heal the sick?”为什么耶稣来到地上医病赶鬼?” Because the Kingdom of light invaded
the kingdom of darkness through Jesus, 光明国度借着耶...
...华我们的主啊,你的名在全地何其美!1, The original
design 受造的本意 (v.1-2,5-8)V.1-2 tells us, that the
Creator God displays His glory in heaven. 第1-2节说到,造物主在天上彰显祂的荣耀,We serve a
creative God, 我们服事的是一位充满创意的神,wh...
...3 a, The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me.
我们受造是为称谢神、荣耀祂。诗篇50:23上:凡以感谢为祭的便是荣耀我。You know, since Adam and Eve listened to the devil, mankind has
fallen away from thanksgiving. To be honest, although it’s a p...
pleasant for our flesh. 旷野的经历对我们的肉体来说是不好受的。
It’s a remote
place emotionally or physically, 这是现实生活里,或精神上的独自一人的地方,where God allow us to go through
difficulties and trials. 在那里上帝允许我...
...f this identity? 这段经文提醒我们:1,耶稣是谁,他为我们受了怎样的苦难?2,我们的身份是什么?3,就这身份而言,我们要做什么?1, who
Jesus Christ is and what did he suffer for us? V.4, it tells us that Jesus
Christ is the living stone who suffered ...
...ntance in faith and accepting the gospel
借着人在信心中悔改并接受福音, the Kingdom
of God is in us now神的国就进入我们里面. That’s why Jesus
said这就是耶稣所说, “nor will people say, ‘Here it is’ or ‘there it is’人也不得说:...