...后,and were cast out of
God’s presence, 我们就从神的同在中被逐出,mankind lost the
authority and became slave of sin and death. 人类失去权柄,成为罪和死的奴仆。Darkness covers the
whole world! 黑暗笼罩全世界!Broken hearts generate
broken relationshi...
...er with them to meet the Lord in the air. 然后活着的人与他们一同被提,在空中与主相遇。Not only will there be the resurrection of the body of Christ, the
Church, 不但基督的身体,就是教会,会复活,but also there will be a
resurrection of all kingdom saints, 也...
...raptured saints will stand on the Mount of Olives. 基督,弥赛亚,与被提的圣徒一同再临的时候,将会站在橄榄山上。And then the Mount of Olives will be divided into two. 那时橄榄山将一分为二。In the last day, 末后的日子,that will be an awe-inspiring event ...
...ith Jerusalem, by Titus' army.”
第二圣殿连同耶路撒冷一并被提多的军队摧毁。” Titus was a Roman general. 提多是罗马的一位将军。I won’t talk about this in detail,
我今天不详细讨论这个问题, you can google it yourselves. 你们可以自己...