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2024-12-15 Testimony of Better to Give than Receive 施比受更为有福的见证

发表于 2024-12-16

Brother and Sisters peace be with you. I am Alan Jarvis from the afternoon service at OTBC Church in Christchurch. Praise the Lord for the opportunity to share God’s continuing work in my life through my experiences and struggles journeying with Him this year.

弟兄姐妹们,愿平安与你们同在。我是Alan Jarvis,来自基督城OTBC教会下午的聚会。感谢主让我有机会分享今年通过与祂同行的经历和挣扎中,神在我生命中的持续工作。

Throughout this year I am reminded of the words of Pastor Jane through the Holy Spirit, we are to daily deny ourselves, crucifying our old selves on the cross with Jesus so we can be renewed and become more like Christ and in all circumstances praise the Lord. It’s not at all easy as there is a big problem!!--The Self.


Knowing who I really am. This is not an easy journey to have your deep heart revealed, your true nature, one that is selfish, wants to exalt oneself and as a consequence, full of judgement, fear, worry, anxiety, pride and with pride comes shame, all because I want to be accepted and receive the benefits of this world.



But praise the Lord, Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit to help reveal the lies we believe in our deep hearts through our everyday lives and through the environment we encounter so we can know what Jesus’ truth is.


In this year the Lord allowed my wife, Kayla and I to head to China, my first time and my first time to meet her family and visit the Home Church in Shenzhen, MOLC. And from this trip Jesus revealed, through three experiences “it is more blessed to give than to receive.”


Having spent time in Shanghai and Suzhou, we ventured north to Beijing the Capital of China. Our first activity was to meet two English Class students and their families. They had invited us out for a meal on our arrival.


Off we went to a very fancy restaurant where they had arranged a luxury private room and what I can only describe as a banquet, large feast, which is normally the Chinese way to treat guests as to show their hospitality.


Having indulged in the flesh of receiving, the next morning I realised I had a bleeding nose, as from the photos wasn’t pretty and very messy. Kayla messaged Pastor Jane and the Holy Spirit gave her the following verses Acts 20:35b “….It is more blessed to give than to receive.”



So it was revealed that in my deep heart I am very selfish and love to receive rather than give. If I do give, it is only to people I choose and I like.


But Jesus’ way is opposite, it is better to give than to receive and His way is to even give to our enemies. I knelt and prayed to repent for being selfish and acting according to the worldly view and start the journey to allow the Holy Spirit to renew me of this point.


But Jesus had more revelations instore for me, praise the Lord.


To our surprise, Kayla’s Brother-in-law, arranged for us to have dinner with him, Peking Duck. Praise the Lord for allowing us this opportunity to meet and spend time with him, that we thought would not happen as later on, Kayla will explain the reason in her testimony.


As is the Chinese custom to show hospitality and acceptance, he had bought a bottle of Vodka, 42% alcohol, to share with his new brother-in-law. He had been waiting for this for many months.


As I was not praying earnestly and continuously, a thought popped into my head, that I should not reject him and so I warmly accepted his offer to share some Vodka.


After arriving back to our hotel that night, having enjoyed our time and a fair amount of Vodka I went to bed and suddenly my stomach didn’t feel good at all. I then threw up for the next few hours.


So, Jesus revealed to me through this experience that in my deep heart I want to please my brother-in-law and many other people throughout my life as I seek to be accepted by others.


But again, this is not Jesus’ way, he wants me to accept myself just as I am and as He first accepted me, loves me. He wants me to root my identity in Him upon His acceptance, mercy and love, not upon the acceptance and praise of others.


Third and final revelation took place when we visited the Home Church in Shenzhen, MOLC.


By this stage of our journey in China we were very much excited and looking forward to seeing where God had started His ministry through Jane and meeting the home Church Brothers and Sisters we had worked with and heard so much about, along with seeing Pastor Fu again.


What we experienced was even more than I had expected.


After what Jesus had revealed to me through these early experiences, I experienced first-hand what it meant “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Couple of stories that touched my heart.


I could not believe we were picked up in a flash BWM car from the airport, later I learned the story behind where this car came from, God’s provision to Sister Yang.


We spent time with Sister Yang, who like me, runs a business and employs many members of the Home Church, hearing her story and of God’s provision and faithfulness.


With Kayla’s help of translation, I understood that even though mistakes were made with the business through repentance and allowing God to lead and God has blessed and restored lives through this business. Praise the Lord for Sister Yang.


We all shared our experiences of God and the way the Brothers and Sisters did life together, just coming sharing, praying sharing food and then leaving, day after day. This is what we experienced our entire time, people just came and visited us, and we shared food and stories of God’s faithfulness and love.


We also met Jane’s Mum and Dad, who have experienced God’s transforming love and blessings through their daughter Pastor Jane and Grandma shared her stories of journey to faith till very late that day.


And finally, I still remember the day we were leaving, a lot of the Brother and Sisters joined us to farewell us and Jane and Raymond’s Apartment and we This even though the prayers where in Mandarin, I was very much touched by Jesus love and had tears streaming down my face.


Right from the moment we landed at Shenzhen airport greeted by Pastor Fu, Sister Guo and Brother Peter, until Pastor Fu, Sister Guo and her Husband took us to and farewelled us from Shenzhen airport a few days later,


I experienced Jesus love through our Shenzhen Home Church’s Brothers and Sisters obedience in willingly giving their time, food and hospitality to Kayla and I without any expectations of receiving anything in return from us.


I learned their hearts longed for God’s spiritual blessings in the heavenly realms.


At the time I did not fully understand this until now, when I was writing this testimony and earlier in the week reading Ephesians 1:3 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ”.


Their motivation for warmly welcoming us and caring for us was not so they could be rewarded here on earth, but they looked forward to the spiritual blessings they will receive in heaven. 


As they would do the same regardless of whether it was Kayla and I, as not about the people they are welcoming but about following Jesus.


Praise the Lord for showing us and encouraging us through our Brothers and Sisters in Shenzhen.



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