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悔改与行道:靠主的爱接纳跟我一样的罪人 Repentance and Living Out the Word: Accepting Sinners Like Myself Through the Lord's Love

发表于 2024-12-16


Brothers and sisters, peace be with you! I am Kayla from the afternoon service at OTBC Church in Christchurch. In my last testimony, I expressed gratitude to God for sending the police to rescue me during my repeated attempts at suicide.


Through this simple trust and gratitude, His Spirit gave me the strength to serve in OTBC’s free English class. From February to August, the English class grew from nothing, with a steady stream of students joining. However, pride unknowingly began to grow in my heart.


Although I prayed daily, I forgot my true nature as a sinner. I thought that because I had invested my time and energy and prayed and interceded for others, I was doing well.  When the English teacher criticized me, I felt hurt, wronged, unbearable,  resistant, and even cried. I failed in my spiritual battle.


Although Pastor Jane helped me time and again, praying for me day and night, sometimes even praying with me until 1 or 2 a.m., which left her with low blood pressure and breathing difficulties the next day,


my faith continued to fluctuate.  I became anxious, worried, and ashamed, and could not continue serving in the church. My faith fell to its lowest point.


On August 19, Pastor Jane sent me a message encouraging me to return from China and share a testimony about how, through relying on the Lord, I had overcome and learned to love sinners and my family, and how I had witnessed God’s miracles. She said that if I had this desire in my heart, God would bring it to pass.


However, I didn’t respond to her message because I lacked the faith and courage to pray to God. On the night of August 30, I prayed, expressing my desire to testify for the Lord. I asked Him to give me strength and guide me in praying to overcome rejection and hurt, and to love my family.


But the next day, when I arrived at Auckland Airport, my mum called me and said, “When you come home, make sure Alan wears a mask and a hat, so people won’t recognize him as a foreigner and stare at him like he’s a monkey.”


Hearing this, I felt deeply disappointed. What lay before us was not a blessing from my family, but a disaster.

当我们看到一件事不好, 不如意的时候,能转向神,看到自己的不能,是神的工作的开始。

When we encounter something unpleasant or unsatisfactory, turning to God and recognizing our own limitations marks the beginning of His work.


When our plane landed in Shanghai, my sister sent me more than ten text messages accusing us of being unfilial because we were only staying home for a week and weren’t staying with my parents.

我气得跟Jane牧师抱怨,Jane牧师却说 否定自我的想法,学会理解他人并接纳他人,就像耶稣接纳你一样。人们常常用自己的视角去理解他人,包括你自己也会这样做。

Furious, I complained to Pastor Jane, but Jane said, “Deny your own thoughts, learn to understand others, and accept them just as Jesus accepted you. People often use their own perspective to understand others, and you do the same.”



I decided to lay down my desire to explore Shanghai and stayed at the hotel to pray, asking God to help me forgive my sister.


Afterward, I sent her a message. Thank the Lord, He moved her heart, and she no longer complained about our arrangements. We didn’t need to change our accommodations or extend our stay at home. 



When we were finally leaving our hometown, my sister drove us to the airport. She told me that during those days, she had argued with our mother every day because of our visit. My mother had insulted Alan, refusing to accept him as a foreigner. My sister defended us and got angry with my mother. 



In my heart, I was grateful to God. During those moments when my faith was weak, I truly didn’t know how to understand others. But God knew everything. He knew the immense pressure my sister was under, which led her to send so many harshly worded messages.


The Holy Spirit helped me see things from her perspective and understand the struggles and pain in her heart at the airport. 




During the ten or so days we spent in Shanghai, Suzhou, and Beijing, besides accompanying Alan to see the sights and learn about Chinese culture, I began practicing how to build an intimate relationship with God, little by little. Before returning to China, this relationship had been broken because of my faltering faith. 



Every morning at 6 a.m., the Holy Spirit would wake me up. I would open my Bible app, read scriptures, and meditate in prayer, taking one verse to heart and reflecting on it repeatedly. I stopped focusing on circumstances or people and instead prayed for God to guide me in understanding His will in every situation. 



Whether it was a delivery driver losing his temper or a taxi driver calling me a stupid woman, I praised God! I recognized that these moments were His way of leading me back to my heart—to forgive others, to understand, and to accept them. 


但这远远不够,信心不经过试炼,不是真的信心。彼得前书 1:7 叫你们的信心既被试验,就比那被火试验仍然能坏的金子更显宝贵…”

But that was far from enough. Faith that is not tested is not true faith. As 1 Peter 1:7 says, “These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold...“


In the first two days back in my hometown, I tried my best to rely on my good behaviour to be a good daughter. Even though my parents showed no interest in the gifts we brought back in one whole suitcase, my father was cold and silent at home,


and my mother would push Alan inside the house whenever we went out, afraid that others would see his foreign face. My mother complained about my father and every relative and even laughed at a relative who had recently committed suicide by hanging herself. 



We prayed in our hearts to forgive them, trying to ensure that I could keep smiles on my face, help my mother with cooking, and chat with her. I thought to myself, 'Well, no conflicts have arisen so far, so maybe I’ve overcome this challenge! It didn’t seem too hard to get through seven days like this. 

结果圣灵马上在心里提醒 试炼马上来到!

But then the Holy Spirit immediately reminded me in my heart, “The trial is about to come!”


On the third day, we went to climb the Great Wall. From 6 a.m., while in the tour van, my sister and mum started arguing with my eldest niece, escalating into insults and even cursing each other, wishing death upon one another.


I sought help from Pastor Jane again, knowing in my heart that this was a spiritual battle, but I didn’t have the faith to overcome it.


Jane responded almost instantly every time, urging me to pray and ask God to help my family. I prayed, forgave, and tried to accept them, but little did I know, even greater battles lay ahead.


When my mother and I went to take the cable car down from the Great Wall, she accidentally pushed an elderly man as we were walking. I saw her push him. The man’s daughter complained, asking why my mother would push her dad, especially he so old.


Unexpectedly, my mother began shouting curses and hurling filthy language at the young woman.


Embarrassed, I went over to the woman, apologized, and explained that my mother had recently had surgery on her knees and hadn’t noticed the step when she bumped into the man.


The elderly man understood my explanation, accepted the apology, told his daughter to stop talking immediately, and motioned for me to leave quickly. But my mother wouldn’t let it go. She started using even filthier words to insult them. 



The large crowd of people on the Great Wall stopped to watch. I felt an overwhelming sense of shame, and anger burned inside me like a raging fire from the bottom of my feet. With no other choice, I pulled my mother away, but she continued shouting insults.


In frustration, I yelled at her, “Why is my family always so quick to ignite like a fire! Why do we hurt each other like this! Why do you and my brother-in-law slap each other! Can’t you see your own faults?”  My mother then turned her anger toward me, hurling insults at me instead.



As I turned back, I saw that the young woman was still following us. In a moment of panic and frustration, I hit my mother twice—two hard punches on her back—but I instantly regretted it. 



I failed again. After two days of good behaviour, thinking I could be a good witness for Christ and move my mother to believe in Him, I failed again. 

在她上厕所时候,我告诉了Jane牧师刚发生的事情,打字的时候手都在抖。她说 饶恕你的妈妈,放下自己的面子去爱她。她并不知道自己一直在做什么。

While my mother went to the restroom, I messaged Pastor Jane and told her what had just happened. My hands were trembling as I typed. Jane replied, “Forgive your mum and lay down your face to love your mum. She doesn’t know what she has been doing.”


I was shaking from head to toe and didn’t even know how to pray anymore. But thank the Lord, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the verse I had prayed over that morning at the hotel:

“(马太福音) 27:50 耶稣又大声喊叫,气就断了。我祷读的是AMP版本 :“And Jesus cried out again with a loud [agonized] voice, and gave up His spirit.”

Matthew 27:50  And Jesus cried out again with a loud [agonized] voice, and gave up His spirit.”


That pain—agonized—was deeply etched into my heart. What kind of pain was it?


When the Holy Spirit led me to reflect on that pain, I cried out, “Father, at this moment, I too am in great pain. I am willing to entrust my spirit into Your hands. Please take control of me. I no longer care about my face!”


In that moment, the darkness within me fled, my trembling stopped, and God’s love and peace flowed into my heart. Hallelujah! Thank and praise the Lord!

这时,妈妈从厕所出来,我上前去摸着她的后背, 给她道歉:妈妈,我刚才做错了,你原谅我的着急,那个女的就跟着你后面,我怕她再来骂你。

When my mother came out of the restroom, I went up to her, touched her back, and apologized: “Mom, I was wrong earlier. Please forgive my impatience. That woman was following you, and I was afraid she would come back to insult you again.”


In my heart, I wasn’t even hoping for her to forgive me, knowing she had been hurt.  But God is alive. My mother didn’t get angry again, nor did she curse anyone anymore. She began to realize the consequences of her actions.


God was working in her heart. As long as I truly repented in my heart, God, who is alive and sees everything, worked. What He wants is not for me to “do”anything but to rely on Him and overcome my shame. 



That evening, Pastor Fu prayed with me again. I repented once more for hitting my mother, especially for doing so in public. I felt deeply ashamed. But the Lord Jesus didn’t condemn me. Jesus accepted me


—not because I had done well, not because I could smile and chat with my mother or help her cook and wash dishes—but because I am a sinner. I am a sinner who hits, curses, complains, and uses my own hands and words to hurt my own mother who gave birth to me. 



Jesus loves sinners. He went to the cross for me, died for me, and left the chance for life to someone like me. What else could I expect to gain from a sinner like my mother? 

约翰福音 5:41-42 我不受从人来的荣耀。但我知道你们心里没有 神的爱。

John 5:41-42 “I do not accept glory from human beings, but I know you. I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts.”


Starting from the 4th day, after experiencing such a fall, I began to rely on continuous prayer. Whether walking on the road, handling matters at the shops, or taking family photos at the studio, I prayed constantly.


Prayer inspired by the Holy Spirit became like a generator in my heart, constantly powering me, and only then did I truly experience God’s presence with me. 


One evening, my sister and mother suddenly got into an argument at home over a small matter. They cursed each other and even threatened to stop the child from going to school. The 5-year-old child cried loudly, and it felt as if the whole house was shaking like an earthquake. 


In the past, when faced with such situations, I would run away or shout, “I hate you all,” and storm out of the house. But this time, thank the Lord; by relying on Him, I closed the door of my heart and continued praying.


Jesus' love began to flow within me, leading me to comfort my mother and then rush outside to share the gospel with my sister.



My sister was deeply moved. She couldn’t believe that her once unreliable, short-tempered sister, who used to lose her temper at any moment, could now care so deeply and comfort her so earnestly.


She returned to her own home without taking her anger out on her elder daughter, even though she had stayed in the bathroom for a shower for over five hours without coming out.  Thank and praise the Lord!


On the 5th day, it was my mother’s birthday, but from the morning, she started complaining at home about my father, my sister, and sister’s two children, cursing them all and wishing them dead.


Alan and I could only retreat to the hotel and pray for her. I really couldn’t understand her behavior. Just as I was about to complain to Alan, asking why he couldn’t say something in my defense to my parents, Alan reminded me three times, “Pray!”



As soon as I began to pray, God revealed to me that I was just like my mother—so weak that we couldn’t take responsibility for our own actions or the consequences. Out of shame, we blamed others to make ourselves feel better.



My mother didn’t stop Alan from going out not because she disliked him or thought he embarrassed her as a foreigner. Rather, she was full of fear and had believed lies that others would laugh at her because of Alan as being a foreigner.


But wasn’t me the same? Walking on the streets in my home country, I didn’t dare to walk alongside Alan, feeling ashamed. I imagined people judging me, thinking, “Look at her—so short and overweight, and yet she married a tall white man. She must have done it for some personal gain.” 


Jane牧师曾发信息说 理解是关键.” 雅各书 2: 怜悯原是向审判夸胜。

Pastor Jane had sent me a message, saying, “Understanding is the key.”  “James 2:13: Mercy triumphs over judgment.” 


When I truly understood that I was no different from my mother, likes complaining about others out of shame and I laid down my sinful nature of judging others, Christ’s mercy began to flow through me. The Holy Spirit guided me to understand my mother better. 



That evening, Alan bought an expensive birthday cake for my mother. When we got home and she opened the door, we said, “Happy Birthday, Mom.” She replied, “Celebrate my birthday when I’m dead.” 


Faced with such bitter words, I didn’t respond with rejection or hurt. Instead, the Holy Spirit led me to truly show her mercy and comfort her, acknowledging how hard she had worked all day to cook for us.


Initially, she angrily refused to join us for dinner, but after feeling comforted, she sat down at the table with us, her anger and complaints gone. 

感谢主,祂实在是信实的,箴言 16:7 人所行的,若蒙耶和华喜悦,耶和华也使他的仇敌与他和好。

Thank the Lord—He truly is faithful!  “Proverbs 16:7 When the Lord takes pleasure in anyone’s way, he causes their enemies to make peace with them.


On the 6th day, we experienced a miraculous journey to the bank. Since I didn’t have a bank card, I went to open an account at China Construction Bank. However, when the manager found out I had returned from New Zealand, they informed me that they couldn’t open an account for me. 


After praying, and with only 30 minutes left before the banks closed, God told me to try the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). Alan also encouraged me to give it a try. Through continuous prayer, the Holy Spirit helped me overcome my anxiety and fear.


At ICBC, although the system failed three times, two employees were willing to stay after hours to help me open an account and withdraw money we had stored in WeChat. Praise the Lord!


这是Jane牧师在我们走之前建议的,要我换汇2万人民币给父母。过去的年月里, 我都是从父母那里借钱读书和做生意,从来没有给过父母钱。

This was something Pastor Jane had suggested before we left—to exchange 20,000 RMB for my parents. In the past, I always borrowed money from my parents to study or start a business and had never given them money.


But now, I am a new creation in Christ. I can’t walk the old path of asking or borrowing money from my parents anymore. Instead, I must bear the fruit of repentance, living a life that reflects my transformed heart. 



I thank the Lord that, since working as a cleaner at Alan’s company, I was able to save up 20,000 RMB to show gratitude to my parents for their sacrifices. 

我妈妈此时却准备给我和Alan 2000贴补我们的路费

At the same time, my mother was preparing to give Alan and me 2,000 RMB to help with our travel expenses.


But God knew that my mother was actually short on money, even though she didn’t say it, so we didn’t take it.  When we took out the 20,000 RMB we had withdrawn from the bank and gave it to her, she cried.


She said she had never imagined this day would come—after all, I had always asked her and my father for money. She never thought I would give her money. 



In my heart, I kept thanking and praising the Lord, grateful for how real He is and for how He had already spoken to me in advance through His servant.


On the 7th day, we were about to leave for the home church in Shenzhen (MOLC), I still regretted not having shared the gospel with my mother or testified about Jesus’ great love and goodness.


The night before, I knelt in the hotel and prayed, asking God for one more opportunity. I told Him that if He gave me a chance, I would speak boldly about the saving work of Jesus in my life and fight against the fear in my heart. 


However, the distance between my parents’ home and the hotel was too far, and the transportation was inconvenient. I also didn’t want my family to make the early trip to see us off.



But early in the morning, my mother called and said, “I want to ride my tricycle to see you off. Don’t worry about my legs. It’s just like taking a casual ride.”


Hearing this, I felt very distressed. She had recently undergone knee replacement surgery and couldn’t afford to overexert herself like this. Yet, refusing her might hurt her feelings. I could only surrender this to the Lord and trust in His sovereignty. 



So, she rode a tricycle for over 40 minutes to the hotel entrance. At the same time, my father came from work to meet us and hugged Alan, expressing his gratitude and inviting Alan to come back to China next year. At that moment, I knew they had both sincerely accepted Alan. 

Alan虽然不会说中文,但是他发自内心的爱带出来好行为,爬长城时候没有只顾自己地噌噌去爬,而 一直走在最后照顾我爸爸,爱改变了爸爸的看法。

Although Alan doesn’t speak Chinese, his heartfelt love was reflected in his actions. When we climbed the Great Wall, Alan didn’t rush ahead on his own for pleasure but stayed at the back to take care of my father. Love changed my father’s perspective."


感谢主,“彼得前书 2:12 你们在外邦人中,应当品行端正,叫那些毁谤你们是作恶的,因看见你们的好行为,便在鉴察的日子归荣耀给 神。”

Thank the Lord! “1 Peter 2:12 says, Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.”


I prayed to the Lord for one last opportunity to share the gospel. My mother, however, said, “You’ve been great this time. You were so bad in the past, but now you’ve changed for the better because you believe in the Lord.” 



It turns out that while I was striving so hard to work for the Lord, God, through my mother’s words, gave me great comfort and affirmation. This comfort didn’t come from people—it came from God!


While praying with brothers and sisters at the church in Shenzhen, the Holy Spirit gave me a vision of my mother, covered in wounds, cooking for us. I cried. Only then did I truly understand the message Pastor Jane had sent me: “Poor Mum.“


Yes, she is covered in wounds, wanting to love but unable to express it. She can only endure the pain and use her hands to prepare delicious meals to show her love for her children. That is the greatest love she can give. But what about me? I can’t even offer such love.



When I was feeling anxious about being unable to complete this testimony, I prayed and asked God for help. In prayer, God showed me two images. 



The first was of my father, who, six years ago, had quit smoking but picked it up again because of my rebellion and running away from home. He sat on the sofa all night, filled with worry and sighing in anguish. 


The second was of my mother. Years ago, when I brought home my first boyfriend, she opposed our relationship because he came from a rural background and wasn’t tall. She was afraid I would end up like her, being looked down upon by others. In anger, I picked up a fruit knife from the table and lunged at her.



The bitterness and sorrow my parents experience now—aren’t they the consequences of my sins?


A selfish person always wants to extract love and acceptance from others to satisfy themselves, yet they are never content. I drained the last ounce of love my parents could give, but I couldn’t accept or love them in return.

感谢神,约翰福音 3:16 神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。

Thank God, “John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”


Through the precious blood of Jesus, He redeemed someone like me. He was crucified for someone like me. He sacrificed His life for someone like me, so I would not continue to sink into destruction. I am unworthy. 



Although my past was filled with bitterness and the brokenness of my family, it was all because of my old self—following my sinful desires and sins, walking under family curses, and reaping the fruits of destruction. 


I thought that because I achieved good grades and brought my parents some sense of pride outside the home, they were obligated to repay me by meeting my expectations. In the end, my own bitterness and complaints pierced my heart and deeply hurt my parents’ hearts as well.


I thank God. Even as recently as yesterday, He continued to use various situations to uncover the root cause of why I hit my mother. It began with my brother-in-law’s and also his mum’s infidelity. His shame and fear of being hurt made him concern saving his face.


In 2017, while I was visiting home, my mother inadvertently provoked him with harsh words, leading to an argument between them that escalated into them slapping each other.  In retaliation, my family pressured me to hit my brother-in-law’s mother.


Out of fear and shame, I fled back to New Zealand afterwards. Overnight, my hair turned white. Since then, I have never seen my brother-in-law again, and my family avoids mentioning his name in front of me.


Five years later, I joined this church. One day, God revealed my unforgiveness, and Pastor Jane led me in a prayer of forgiveness and repentance. However, that prayer was during the early days of my faith. Now, God wants me to deal with my sin more deeply: 


Why it was me to hit my brother-in-law’s mother, someone who had done me no harm? When I felt ashamed, I blamed others and avoided taking responsibility for my actions.


我不想当坏人,打了一个无冤无仇的人. 所以在长城上,当我想起这件事,就忍不住地打了妈妈来泄愤。

I didn’t want to see myself as the bad person who had hurt someone innocent. That’s why, on the Great Wall, as I recalled this incident, I lashed out at my mother to vent my frustration.


可是神却让这件事发生在我生命中. 祂的旨意如此美好——“你是罪人,最坏的,打人的,被人看不起的疯子,我也接纳了你,我也为你流了血。”

But God allowed this to happen in my life for His good purpose. His will is so wonderful:  "You are a sinner—the worst sinner, one who hits others, a despised mad woman—and yet I have accepted you. I shed My blood for you."



Thank the Lord Jesus for His salvation on the cross. Only Jesus’ love, which accepts sinners, is unconditional. When I prayed, I was able to accept myself. I no longer live to please others or fear what they might say about me, because God loves me this much. And from my heart, I was able to accept sinners like myself. 


Love is Jesus’ suffering that opened the door to forgiveness. Love is God’s love revealed through the prayers and intercession of His servant day and night.  I once walked through this world like an orphan, barely surviving, with no love in my heart and no understanding of what love truly was.


But here, I encountered God. Through continually seeking Him, repenting of my sins, and experiencing Jesus’ healing, I have received the true acceptance and love. Bitterness has turned into sweetness. 



I am willing to live out the Word in this way: to deepen my understanding of my sinful nature, to willingly accept God’s refining, and to rely on His grace to accept and love those who, like me, will be called by God during the coming revival.  All glory and praise be to our Heavenly Father!


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