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2024-07-28 何塞的见证:神掌权 Jose's testimony: God controls

发表于 2024-08-21

Hello everyone,



I’m Jose from Chile. Some of you might already be familiar with my story and the various challenges I’ve faced recently. 我是何塞,我来自智利。有些人可能多少知道我的经历以及我最近面临的各种挑战。 While I’ve talked about the outcomes of the processes I’ve been through over the past few months, I haven’t yet shared how my life has transformed since I embarked on this journey with the gospel. 虽然我说过这几个月里我经历的过程的结果,但我还没有分享过自从我开始这段福音之旅以来我的生活是如何改变的。

Back in May, I spoke about my testimony and mentioned that I had secured a job with sponsorship to stay in New Zealand. 今年五月,我讲了我的见证,提到我已经找到了一份有雇主担保的工作,我可以留在新西兰了。 Now, I’d like to share how God has been at work in my life since then. 现在,我想分享一下那之后神在我生命中所作的事情。 Every trial, where God has refined me like gold in a crucible, and has played a role in shaping my faith and character in Christ. 每一次试炼,神都像在炉中熬炼金子一样熬炼我,这些熬炼是为塑造我在基督里的信心和品格。


After securing the much-desired sponsorship, I needed to submit my work visa application to immigration. 在获得了梦寐以求的带担保的工作后,我需要向移民局提交我的工作签证申请。 I did this on 17th May at 10 PM because I had issues with the official translations of my documents required for immigration. 我在517日晚10点才提交申请,因为我在翻译移民所需官方文件上遇到了困难。 I was worried that if Immigration didn’t accept my documents, I would have to leave the country. 我担心万一移民局不接受我的文件,我就得离开新西兰了。 I remember praying that night, “Father, please, you opened this door; I don’t want to leave the country.” 那天晚上我祷告说:“天父,请你打开这扇门;我不想离开这个国家。”


As I was about to sleep, at 1 AM, my phone buzzed with a notification – it was a temporary visa allowing me to remain in the country while the process continued. 当我准备睡觉时,凌晨1点,我听到手机发出通知提示音——原来政府签发给我一份临时签证,允许我在等待处理过程中继续留在新西兰。 My reaction was, “Thank you, Lord, for your mercy in this process. I won’t be illegal now.” 我的反应是:“感谢主,谢谢你的怜悯。我现在不是非法居留了。


There was joy, but from 18th May onwards, I couldn’t continue working because the temporary visa didn’t permit me to work, and I had to wait for the process, which currently takes at least eight weeks to be approved. 我心里有些喜乐。但从518日开始,我不能继续工作,因为临时签证不允许我工作,我必须等待批核结束,那至少需要八周才能批准。 I said, “God, I won’t give up; I will keep fighting to follow your paths.” 我说:“神,我不放弃;我会竭力跟随你。”


At that moment, I tried every possible way to speed up the process, but there was nothing we could do as the immigration policies and timelines had recently changed. 那时,我尝试了所有可能的方法来加快处理进程,但由于移民政策和时间表最近发生了变化,我们其实改变不了什么。 During this time, Alan supported me with letters to immigration to expedite the process, which helped, but the decision-making step couldn’t be rushed – only administrative processes could be expedited, not the decision-making itself. 在这段时间里,Alan为我给移民局写信已支持我加快进程,这有帮助,但没法儿加速让移民局做决策——只有行政程序可以加快,而决策本身是无法加速的。Initially, I was happy as they accepted the documents within a week, but that was just the expedited administrative process. 最初我很高兴他们在一周内接受了申请文件,但那只是行政程序加快了。 I still had to wait for the resolution. I waited and waited for almost four weeks.



My main concern was that I couldn’t work, and my savings were running out. 我最担心的是在这段时间我不能工作,而我的储蓄也快用光了。 I remember the last week of waiting was the scariest because I had no money left to cover household expenses or rent. 最后一周最可怕,因为我已经没有钱来支付生活费和付房租了。 But in my heart, I trusted God’s will, even though I was very fearful and worried. 但在我的心里,我信靠神的旨意,尽管我又惧怕又担忧。 At that moment, I looked up at the sky and said, "Jehovah Jireh," God will provide. 那时,我举目望天,说:“耶和华以勒”,神必供应。


I remember on Wednesday, 12th June, we were with Jane, and she said to me, "Jose, relax, enjoy these days with your family. 612日星期三,我们和Jane在一起,她对我说:“何塞,放松,这段时间就享受和家人在一起的时间吧。 The visa will arrive soon." We prayed that night, and Jane, guided by the Holy Spirit, led us in prayer. 很快就会收到签证。”那晚,Jane在圣灵的引导下带我们祷告。 Along with Raymond, Kayla, and Alan, God covered us with His blessing. RaymondKaylaAlan也和我们一起同心祷告,神用祂的祝福覆蔽我们。

I went to bed with peace in my heart, feeling that God had taken me into His hands as His child, reminding me that He is in control. 那晚我睡得很平安,感觉到神把我当作祂的孩子托在祂的手中,提醒我祂在一切事上掌权。 As His word says in Matthew 18:19-20: “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” 正如主的话在马太福音18:19-20中所说:“我再告诉你们,若是你们中间有两个人,在地上同心合意地求什么事,我在天上的父必为他们成全。因为无论在哪里,有两三个人奉我的名聚集,那里就有我在他们中间。


The following day, yes, the very next day, I got an email from my immigration agent requesting additional documents for my application, which, thanks to God, I already had. 第二天,是的,就在第二天,我收到了移民中介发来的电子邮件,要求提供一些额外文件,感谢神,我已经准备好这些文件了。 I sent them off and prayed, "Lord, let Your will be done." 当我把这些文件寄出后,我祷告说:“主啊,愿你的旨意成就。” As His word says in Mark 11:24: “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” 正如主的话在马可福音11:24所说:“所以,我告诉你们,凡你们祷告祈求的,无论是什么,只要信是得着的,就必得着。”


On the afternoon of the 14th, I received an email with my visa approval. 14日下午,我收到邮件通知,我的签证批下来了。 The next day, yes, the very next day, I felt my heart explode with joy! I remember hugging my daughters and my wife. 第二天,是的,就在第二天,我感到我的心中充满了喜乐!我开心地拥抱了女儿和妻子。 I fell to my knees, raised my hands, and said, “Thank You, Lord, for this gift You have given us.” I received a visa for five years, not two or three, but five years! 我跪下,举起双手说:“谢谢你,主啊,为你赐给我们的这份礼物。”我获得了一份五年期签证,不是两年或三年,而是五年!


With this, my daughters were able to apply for their visas to attend school. 这样一来,我女儿也能申请她们的签证去上学了。 We had to wait for their visas because their applications were dependent on mine. 我们还得继续等她们的签证批下来,因为她们的申请依附于我的签证。

When we called immigration to check on their status, they informed us it would take until October this year. 当我们打电话给移民局查询她们的签证状态时,他们告诉我们有可能要等到今年10月才会批。 I thought, “October! That’s too far off. The girls might not be able to start school in time.” 我想:“十月!那太久了,孩子们可能赶不上了。” But I reminded myself, “My trust is in God, not in people, and I believe that my life here is part of His plan.” 但我提醒自己:“我的信乃在于神,而不在于人,我相信我的处境是祂计划的一部分。” As it says in Matthew 7:7: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” 正如马太福音7:7中所说:“你们祈求,就给你们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给你们开门。”


A week later, yes, just one week later, on Friday, 21st June, I remember we were having breakfast when Katherine started reading the news about immigration. 一周后,是的,就在一周后,621日星期五,我记得我们在吃早餐时,Katherine读到关于移民政策的新闻。 The response times had changed again; it could now take up to six months to get a visa response. 签证签发时限又改动了,现在可能需要六个月才能收到签证(到12月)。 We looked at each other, and I said once more, “I trust in God’s timing, not in man’s timing.” 我们相视而笑,我再次说:“我相信神的时间,而不是人的时间。”


As I finished reading the news, Katherine’s phone buzzed with a notification. 就在我读完新闻时,Katherine的手机响了一下。 Guess what it was? Yes! The visas for my daughters and my wife! God had performed a miracle in our lives. 猜猜是什么?对!我女儿和妻子的签证签发了!神为我们行了神迹。Their visas arrived a week after mine, and now my daughters are about to start school next week. 她们的签证在我签证后一周也签发了,现在,我的女儿们下周就可以去上学了。


I have learned to trust in God’s timing, knowing He is in control of everything. 我学会了信靠神的时间,因我知道祂掌管一切。 If things don’t happen as or when we expect, it’s because He is teaching us to trust and rest in Him. 如果事情没有按我们预期的方式或时间发生,那是因祂在教导我们信靠和安息。 That’s why, in times of adversity, His word says in Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” 这就是为什么在逆境中,祂的话语在耶利米书33:3中说:“你们要向我呼求,我就应允你们,告诉你们大而难测的事,就是你们所不知道的事。”


When I worship, my heart fills with the Holy Spirit because I am grateful for how God has worked in me, my family, and has surrounded me with Christ-loving people who share my faith, knowing we are all children of God. 当我敬拜时,我的心被圣灵充满,感恩神在我、在我的家中的大作为,感恩祂在我周围充满了爱基督、并和我一样信靠基督的人,我们知道我们是神的儿女。


Thank you.



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