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2024-07-28 II型糖尿病因饶恕得医治 Jim's testimony: diabetes gone after forgiving

发表于 2024-08-21

大家好,我是Jim。 Hello everyone, I am Jim. 我之前是在北京的地铁系统工作。 I used to work for the Beijing subway system. 由于工作经常倒班,生活不规律和家族遗传, Due to frequent shift changes, an irregular lifestyle, and family heredity, 2019年6月份在单位体检的时候检查出血糖异常。 I was found to have abnormal blood sugar levels during a physical examination at work in June 2019.

2021年,我曾住院进行血糖控制和调理。 In 2021, I was hospitalized for blood sugar control and regulation. 之后一直都在服用2种血糖药(恩格列净、二甲双胍)控制血糖。 Since then, I have been taking two blood sugar medications (Empagliflozin and Metformin) to manage my blood sugar. 


2022年7月我们全家来到了新西兰基督城。 In July 2022, our family moved to Christchurch, New Zealand. 出国前,我也进行了住院检查,医生说要终身服药。 Before going abroad, I had had another medical check, and the doctor said I needed to take medication for life.

2022年8月,在郭弟兄和丽晔姐妹的带领下来到了OTBC教会。 In August 2022, we were brought to the OTBC church by Brother Guo and Sister Liye. 2023年7月份,我们全家受洗进入了神的国度。 In July 2023, our entire family was baptized and entered God's kingdom.


信主才知道家族遗传病,是咒诅的产物。 It was only after believing in the Lord that I learnt that hereditary diseases could be signs of family curses. 一直以来我得到的信息都说:糖尿病是不治之症,是不会被治愈的。 I had always been told that diabetes is an incurable disease. 但叶牧师和我们说过:神是医治者!【诗103:3】他赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病。 but Pastor Jane told us that God is our Healer! Psalms 103:3 says, "He forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases."


我怀着将信将疑的心态,有时偷偷祷告,求神医治我。 With a doubtful attitude, I sometimes prayed secretly, asking God to heal me. 每次主日或周四聚会,讲道后的饶恕祷告,我也跟着祷告,从心里去饶恕过去不饶恕的人。Each Sunday service or Thursday Bible Study, I would join in the forgiveness prayers after the sermons to forgive those I had not forgiven from my heart. 这期间我的妻子利利也经常为我祷告。 During that period, my wife Lily also prayed for me frequently.


2022年10月份我的签证要换成学生签证,需要体检。 In October 2022, I needed a physical examination to change my visa to a student visa. 当时尿液检查中出现了1个+号,说明我的血糖还是不正常。 The urine test showed a + sign, indicating that my blood sugar was still abnormal.


2023年5月份,我准备换工签做体检时,报告显示血糖居然正常了。 In May 2023, when I needed to switch my work visa, so I did another medical check, the report surprisingly showed that my blood sugar levels were normal. 我以为是吃药的结果。 I thought it was the result of taking medication. 并且,我以为是吃药就会血糖正常,没有吃就会不正常。 And I thought that my blood sugar levels would only be normal if I took medication and would be high if I didn't.


2023年9月份,我们全家去申请家庭医生。 In September 2023, our family went to apply for a GP. 家庭医生看到我的体检报告,建议我停药观察。 The GP saw my physical examination report and suggested that I stop taking the medication and monitor my blood condition. 由于我怕全部停药对血糖控制不利,和医生沟通后,先停了恩格列净这一种药。 Fearing that stopping all medication would be detrimental to blood sugar control, I communicated with the doctor and stopped taking Empagliflozin first.

3个月后,2023年12月16日,我再次验血。 Three months later, on 16th December 2023, I had another blood test. 家庭医生看到我的血糖结果正常,建议我全部停药,再观察3个月。 The GP saw that my blood sugar results were normal and suggested I stop all medication and observe for another three months.

2024年6月22日,我再次验血,家庭医生告诉我:现在不吃药,血糖也已经正常了。 On June 22, 2024, I had another blood test. The GP told me that my blood sugar levels had become normal indeed even without medication. 我没有减少吃米饭,我没有做特别的运动。 I haven’t cut down on eating rice, and I haven’t done any special exercise. 但每天的生活规律了。 But I have a regular lifestyle now. 上帝赐我一份工作,我每天必须要走1万多步。 God has given me a job where I need to walk more than 10,000 steps a day.

感谢主用祂奇妙的大能医治了我。 Thanks to the Lord, He healed me with His wonderful power. 


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