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2024-07-28 肠炎因饶恕得医治Xie's testimony: terminal colitis and bowel obstruction gone after forgiving

发表于 2024-08-21

弟兄姐妹们午安,感谢主的恩典,让我在这里代替妈妈作见证,在祂的殿中述说祂的作为。Good afternoon, brothers and sisters. Thanks be to the Lord for His grace, which has allowed me to speak on behalf of my mum and share His wonderful deeds in His house.

我妈妈叫谢桂祝,今年73岁,来自广东,2009年受洗归主。My mum, Xie Guizhu, is 73 years old and comes from Guangdong China. She was baptized in 2009. 2010年8月份,妈妈在医院检查,照肠镜时发现里面有息肉。医生切下化验后,确诊为终末端肠炎和肠梗阻。医生开了很大的药丸给她吃,并且不能停药。In August 2010, during a hospital check-up, the doctor discovered polyps in my mum's colon during a colonoscopy. After a biopsy, she was diagnosed with terminal colitis and bowel obstruction. The doctor prescribed large pills that she had to take continuously. 2015年她因为不想吃这么大的药丸,停了一个月的药,结果造成腹泻恶化6个月,腹痛,便血,全身酸痛无力。医生把她的药量从3颗,增加到8颗,她也不敢再停药。In 2015, she stopped taking the pills for a month because she didn't want to swallow such large tablets, which led to six months of worsened diarrhoea, abdominal pain, bloody stools, and overall weakness. The doctor increased her dosage from 3 pills to 8, and she didn’t dare stop the medication again. 

自从2017年到Otbc下午的聚会中,听了Jane的道,才知道自己因为不饶恕而遭到疾病的咒诅,所以她每天开始操练祷告饶恕,求主医治。Since 2017, she began attending the afternoon service at OTBC. After hearing Jane’s sermons, she realized that her illness was due to the curse of unforgiveness. So, she started practicing daily prayers for forgiveness and asked the Lord for healing.

去年11月,妈妈的肠子检测报告显示阳性。Last November, my mum’s colon test came back positive. 医生说可能是肠癌,也可能是因为妈妈多年的慢性肠炎导致检测阳性,需要做肠镜检查才能确诊病因。The doctor said it might be bowel cancer or a result of her chronic colitis over the years, and a colonoscopy was needed to determine the exact cause. 我们听到这消息心里都很惧怕。We were very anxious about this news. 这时我们想到神的话,【诗103:2-4】2我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华,不可忘记他的一切恩惠!3他赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病。4他救赎你的命脱离死亡,以仁爱和慈悲为你的冠冕。那晚我们一起跪在神的面前祷告。At that moment, we recalled God’s words from Psalms 103:2-4: “Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion. ” That night, we knelt together in prayer before God.

神光照妈妈对我外婆的不饶恕。God revealed to my mum her unforgiveness towards my grandmother. 她想到小时候外婆常常叫她去干活,不给她读书。She remembered how, as a child, her grandmother often made her do chores and didn’t allow her to study. 因着去玩而忘了完成外婆交托的工作,而被外婆用棍子打。She would forget to finish the tasks given by her grandmother because she was having fun with other kids and would get beaten with a stick. 外婆也偏爱妈妈的弟弟和姐姐妹妹……想到许多隐藏在心里的伤害,她在主面前大哭。Her grandmother also favoured her brother and sisters over her. Reflecting on these hidden hurts, she wept deeply before the Lord.

神的爱浇灌她,让她看到自己的罪。God’s love poured out on her, showing her her own sins. 她想到外婆在世时,自己也没有孝顺她。She remembered that when her grandmother was alive, she hadn’t been respectful to her. 自己有了儿女之后,也是像自己的妈妈一样的对待自己孩子。After having children, she treated them the same way her mother had treated her. 耶稣却为她的罪被鞭打,受刑罚,被钉上十字架,流出宝血。But Jesus was flogged, punished, and crucified for her sins, shedding His precious blood for her. 想到主并没有定她的罪,还为了救她而死,何等爱她!她的心柔软了。Thinking about how the Lord did not condemn her but died on the cross to save her, how much He loves her, her heart softened. 她求主赦免饶恕自己这些年对父母的苦毒和抱怨,她也愿意从心里饶恕父母。She asked the Lord to forgive her bitterness and complaints towards her parents over the years, and she was willing to forgive them from her heart. 祷告完,妈妈脸上充满了笑容和喜乐,不再惧怕。After praying, my mum was filled with joy and no longer afraid.

再次检查后,在等报告时,她心里有平安。她说主医治她。果然报告显示一切正常。Following another check-up, while waiting for the report, she felt a sense of peace. She said the Lord had healed her, and indeed, the report showed everything was normal. 医生说肠子里面没有任何的东西和炎症,完全好了,不用再吃药了!The doctor said her intestines were clear, there was no inflammation, and she was fully healed. She no longer needed medication! 从去年11月到现在,妈妈再也没有吃药了,身体也没有任何的不适!哈利路亚!Since last November, my mum hasn’t taken any medicine and has experienced no discomfort! Hallelujah! 原来这次的检查是让妈妈知道神听了她这么多年的祷告并要更深的医治她。It turned out that this hospital check-up experience was to let my mum know that God had heard her prayers over the years and wanted to heal her more deeply. 

我在帮她写见证时,突然想起来她这两年没有跟我说关节痛,我才问她是否得医治了?While helping my mum with writing this testimony, I suddenly realized she hadn’t mentioned joint pain for the past two years, so I asked if she had been healed. 她才发现:对啊,以前一到下雨天,膝盖会很痛,手臂痛的举不起来,要不住吃药才能舒缓。She realized: Yes, in the past, whenever it was raining, her knees felt sore, her arms was too painful to lift, and she had to take medication regularly to ease the pain. 这两年没有吃药,膝盖不痛了,手臂也不痛了。Now, she hasn’t needed any medication for the past two years, and her knees and arms don’t feel pain anymore.

妈也曾经皮肤过敏非常严重,甚至半夜到医院看急诊。纵然医生开药膏,擦了也不管用。My mum also had severe skin allergies, sometimes requiring emergency room visits at night. Even when the doctor prescribed ointments, they didn’t help. 最后祷告时,神光照她对我的丈夫有不饶恕,抱怨我丈夫对她不尊重。Finally, during her prayer, God revealed her unforgiveness towards my husband, and her complaints about him being disrespectful. 她也即时悔改后得了医治。She repented immediately and was healed.

妈妈说:她活到现在,回想神向她这么施怜悯,不定她的罪,不照她的罪过待她,还饶恕医治她,她不知道怎么表达对神的感恩。My mum said: Looking back over her life, she sees how much mercy God has shown her, not condemning her for her sins, nor treating her as her sins deserve, but forgiving and healing her. She doesn’t know how to fully express her gratitude to God. 她说:过去我是个常常抱怨神,责怪人,不知感恩的怨妇,活到年老还能尝到主恩的滋味,我的心因神的救恩快乐。She said: I used to be someone who often complained about God and blamed others, being ungrateful. Now, in my old age, I can experience the Lord’s grace. My heart rejoices because of God’s salvation. 她想到死去的丈夫和亲人,他们并没有得着救恩,都在黑暗中度过晚年。She thought of her deceased husband and relatives who did not receive salvation and spent their final years in darkness. 她说,感谢主拣选了她,为她的罪而上了十字架为她打开这恩典的门,她每天可以靠祂的恩典读经祷告,生活遇事靠耶稣饶恕而有机会悔改,她心里不住敬拜赞美主。She said, thank the Lord for choosing her, for dying on the cross for her sins, and for opening the door of grace. By God’s grace, she can read the Bible and pray daily. When she stumbles, she can rely on Jesus’ forgiveness and repent. Reflecting on this, her heart can’t stop worshipping and praising the Lord.

她也为着过去追求地上的金钱,得人前尊重和称赞,而悔改自己的无知。She also repented for her past pursuit of earthly money and seeking respect and praise from people, recognizing her ignorance. 她说地上的一切不再是她所盼望的,因为一切都会过去,现在她所盼望的是永恒的家,唯有耶稣永远长存。She said that earthly things were no longer what she hoped for because they all passed away. Now she hopes for her eternal home, and only Jesus remains forever. 


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