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发表于 2023-07-03


I am Jim Guo, 我是Jim Guo,my wife's name is Lili Gao, 我妻子的名字是Lili Gaoand my son's name is Jasper Guo. 我儿子的名字是JasperWe come from Beijing, the capital city of China. 我们来自中国的首都北京。I have lived in China for 46 years, 我在中国生活了46年,and the education I received since childhood was not based on anything else, 从小接受的教育是不靠天,不靠地,but on ourselves. 要靠我们自己,Believing in ourselves was the truth. 相信自己才是真理。In 2018, we visited New Zealand for the very first time for 15 days. 2018年我们第一次来到新西兰旅游了15天,At that time, we were very impressed by Christchurch. 那时候就非常喜欢基督城。This time, for the sake of our son's education, 这次因孩子上学的原因,our whole family moved to Christchurch.我们全家来到了这里基督城,Looking back, we felt it was God’s divine guidance. 现在想起来感觉就是神的指引。We were led to the Mandarin Bible group through Calvin Guo and Rebecca. 我们第一次来到教会是郭学来夫妻带领的。

After the bible study, Pastor Jane asked us if we wanted to believe in Jesus. 聚会结束后,叶牧师问我们要不要信耶稣,We didn't know anything about Jesus at the time, 我们当时对耶稣一点儿不了解,so replied that we would like to learn more about Jesus.就回答说再考虑考虑。After the bible study had finished, 查经之后,pastor Jane had a chat with us. 在我们和叶牧师聊了一会儿,At last, pastor Jane again asked us the same question if we would like to accept Jesus, 叶牧师再次问我们要不要信耶稣,and this time we changed our mind, 我们改变了心意,and we said, “yes, how do we believe in Jesus?” 就问她怎么能信耶稣。Then, pastor Jane led us in our very first prayer to accept Jesus as our Savior.



Since we prayed that prayer, our whole family has experienced God's guidance and blessing. 从那次祷告后我们全家都感受到了神的带领和祝福,We have experienced the reality of God's existence. 让我们知道神是真实存在的。Due to the limited time, 因时间有限,I can’t get into details. 我不能讲太多,But I wanna testify about God’s grace and faithfulness. 但我愿见证神的恩典和信实。He helped us to settle down in wonderful ways. 祂以奇妙的方式让我们的生活安顿下来。When we were about to sign a lease agreement elsewhere, 当我们就快要在其他地方签租房合同前,God miraculously arranged a suitable house for us, 神奇迹般地为我们预备了一所合适的房子,just within a 3-minute walk from Jasper's school; Jasper学校只要步行3分钟,He helped us to find a good car at a low price; 价格非常低廉;He helped me pass my Class 1 and Class 2 driver's licenses. 又帮助我考取了Class1Class2的驾照,I still remember when I thought I could rely on my own ability to pass the test 刚开始我倚靠自己的能力,but I failed. 却没法儿通过,So I went to pastor Jane and asked her to pray with me. 就来找Jane,让她为我祷告。With the help of God, I passed. 借着神的帮助,我就考取了。Then, under almost impossible circumstances, 之后,在几乎不可的情况下,God helped me pass the forklift license test, 神帮助我考取了叉车牌照,it was unbelievable. 太难以置信了。 Through the help of Brother Li, 在郑立弟兄的帮助下God helped me find a suitable job. 神让我找到心仪的工作。Thanks be to God! 感谢神!He has been leading us and allowing us to experience His reality and faithfulness. 祂在引导我们全家,让我们经历这位又真又活的神。All praise belongs to our Lord Jesus. 愿颂赞荣耀全归于主耶稣。I am grateful to become one of Jesus’ sheep.我愿做耶稣的羊。


The first time went to Thursday Mandarin bible study was the day when the group was studying the book of Acts chapter 5. 我是在使徒行传第五章开始时来参加查经小组聚会的,At that time, I heard that pastor Jane was calling people to repent if they once turned to mediums or worshipped dead ancestors. 那时一直听叶姐叶牧师呼召人悔改,若过去交过鬼,拜过死人。I was thinking in my heart that it had nothing to do with me, 我心里想着这些与我不搭干,and I didn’t do that. 我才不会去干这些事。


This year, in mid-May, 今年在五月中旬开始,I started to have inexplicable headaches, 我开始没有原因的 头疼,like a cold but not. 像是感冒但又不是,I couldn't even sleep at night because of the headache. 我头疼到晚上睡不着觉,I had to take painkillers to relieve it. 需要吃止痛药才可以缓解。In desperation, 在万般无奈下,I tried to say the prayer of forgiveness to forgive my sister, 我试着做饶恕我妹妹的祷告,then I found that doing this prayer is more effective than taking painkillers. 结果我发现做这个祷告比吃止痛药管用。


So I immediately told Jane about this matter. 这个事情我马上就和叶姐说了,She said it could be a spiritual battle happening to me 她说有属灵征战在我身上发生,because I was about to receive baptism. 一定是因为我要受洗了,She said it couldn’t be seen but it was real. 虽然看不见,摸不到,但它是真实存在的。Then Jane asked me if I still held any grudges against anyone. 叶姐就问我,你还有什么不饶恕的或者是其他的罪?I couldn’t remember. 我觉得我没有了。

That night, Jane led me in prayers five times. 那天晚上,她一遍又一遍地带着我祷告,一共做了五次祷告。Each time after the prayer, 每次祷告完,my headache was gone, 头疼就停止了,but it came back again after a while. 但过了一会儿它又开始。When she was about to lead me in another prayer, 正当她又要带我祷告时,suddenly, she stopped, and asked me a question, 她忽然停下来问我:have you ever been involved in any ancestor’s worship or idol worship?” 你有没有拜过祖先或者偶像?

I suddenly recalled when I was a child, 我忽然想起小时候,I used to get sick, or catch a cold, or get scared. 老是生病感冒或者被吓着了,Medications didn’t help, 每次输液不管用时,mum then took me to grandma’s place, 妈妈就带我去姥姥家。and she would use a sewing needle to prick my head, 姥姥用缝衣针象征性的在我头皮上扎几下 and breath on my forehead for three times,然后用嘴对着我额头吹三口气。then, I would be healed. 我的病就好了,So every time, I got sick, I went to see my grandma and ask her to do this to me, 这样我每次生病就去找姥姥。until I got married, when I started to reduce my time seeing her. 直到我结婚后才去的比较少了。But sometimes when I felt uncomfortable, 但有时不舒服了,I still went to see her until she died. 也还会去,直到姥姥去世。Jane said this is witchcraft and the woman I called as grandma was a witch doctor. 叶姐说姥姥是一位巫医,I didn’t know what I did. 我对此是无知的。So I repented of giving my life over to witchcraft 于是我为把自己交给巫术悔改,and allowing the dark kingdom to have power over me, 并命令黑暗权势离开我。I thank God for saving me through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection 我感谢神借着耶稣死里复活拯救了我, and giving me the chance to be set free. 感谢神释放了我,使我得自由,He healed me. I give Him all the glory.  祂医治了我。愿荣耀归于主。




I am Jasper Guo, 我是Jasper Guo15 years old, 今年15岁,studying at Burnside high school. 我在Burnside高中读书。Since my parents believed in Jesus, 自从我父母信耶稣,my life has changed a lot. 我的生活似乎也有了不少的改变。The two things that left the deepest impression on me were my mother's headache 令我印象最深刻的两件事分别是我妈妈偏头痛,and my upcoming transition to a domestic student. 和我即将转为domestic student这两件事。


The thing I want to testify first is about my mother’s experience of headache. 我要先说的第一件事,就是我妈妈偏头痛,At that time, not only did my mother have a headache, 当时不止我妈妈一直头痛,but also I started to have a fever and a sore throat. 我也开始发烧,嗓子疼。After pastor Jane found out that I also had a cold, 叶阿姨知道我也感冒后,she rang us and explained to me what had happened to my mum 给我们打电话告诉我母子连心,and also told me that I might have been attacked by evil spirits 我有可能也受到了邪灵的影响,被攻击,because my mum went to see the grandma when I was in her womb. 因我妈妈在怀我的时候找姥姥治病,So Jane led me in a prayer of confession and forgiveness 于是叶阿姨带我做了一个悔改和饶恕的祷告,and asked the Lord to show us evidence 并求耶稣让我们都看到凭据,that if I had truly been connected to the spirit of witchcraft, 如果我的确与巫术的灵有连结。after the prayer I would get much better next morning. 第二天我的病情就开始好转了,It really happened to me I experienced a great improvement. 这是发生在我身上真实的事。


The second thing is that when I was worried about my upcoming transition to a domestic student, 第二件事是我担心能否从international student转到domestic studentwhen I was about to pray, 正要祷告的时候,the school miraculously sent me an email and said that there was no problem for this matter. 就神奇地收到学校的邮件说没有问题。God knows what lies in our hearts, 神知道我们心里所存的,He is trustworthy! 祂信实可靠!Thank You Jesus for leading our family to come out of darkness 感谢耶稣带领我全家脱离黑暗,and bringing us into the One True God of Light. 使我们归于独一真神。


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