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发表于 2022-07-31

我的名字叫Rebeca. My name is Rebeca, 我来OTBC已经3年多了。Ive been in OTBC for more than three years. 我来的时候带着许多的难处,都是因为我对神的话不知道I came with carrying lots of troubles due to ignorance to the word of God. 但感谢神,我在这里遇见了神,并且在OTBC下午的聚会中,在祂的话里和祂的爱里成长But thank God, Ive encountered God in this place and been growing in His Word and His love in the 2pm service of OTBC.

感谢神,当祂要使用我们去做代祷的器皿,祂就要陶灶我们,Thanks be to God. When God chooses us to be vessels of intercession 让我们认识祂的爱,祂的圣洁,而学习去倚靠祂去服侍。, He shapes us, and allows us to know more about His divine love and His power, and teaches us to learn how to rely on Him to serve.

上两周,Two weeks ago我和孩子去看望一个朋友,I took my son to visit a friend of mine她也是基督徒,who was also a Christian但因为经历不顺,她心里充满不饶恕 but because she had a lot of bad luck, her heart was bitter. 我去之前也向神祷告了,求主引导我说当说的话。Before I visited her, I prayed to God, and asked the Lord to guide me as to what to say.

当我和那姐妹交通时,when I was talking to my friend 我感受到她里面充满了苦毒,抱怨和恨。I felt there was lots of bitterness, complaints and hatred in her heart. 我心里非常的着急和担心她,I was very worried about her 想让她明白,and I wanted her to know 现她所有的事情都是因为自己的罪,that all these bad things had happened to her because she hadnt listened to God罪让我们离开了神的保护,because sin separates us from Gods protection 罪让我们承受家族的咒诅的影响,the consequences of sin bring us under the influence of the family causes due to disobedience.

虽然我们是基督徒even though we are Christians, 但耶稣的十字架不是叫我们犯罪 yet Jesus death on the cross was not to justify our sins, 乃是叫我们悔改but for us to repent. 只是我们转向神悔改Only when we turn to God and repent, 离弃罪并行在真理里and renounce sin, and walk in the truth, 我们就活在基督的祝福里 can we live in the blessings of Christ, 神才叫咒诅变祝福God turns curses to blessings for us.

主耶稣说:"你们谨慎,警醒祈祷。"Jesus said, Be on your guard. Be alert.” 我平时,有时记得要祷告,有时也忘记,sometimes I remember this, but sometimes I dont 在当时就忘记了自己身处在一个属灵战场上 要靠主,that day I forgot that I was in a Spiritual battle and I needed to rely on God.因为着急,我就凭自己用这里学来的圣经知识想说服她时,Because I was in a hurry at the time, I tried my best to convince my friend with the Bible knowledge I had learned from here. 于是,我的头开始疼痛。Then, I started to have a bad headache 感谢主!Thank God 这时我丈夫的电话打来要我接他去周四小组查经,at that moment  my husband rang me and asked me to pick him up for the Thursday bible study于是,我和孩子离开了她家。So I and my son left her home.

我的头非常的痛I  was suffering from a bad headache我就告诉叶姐,发生了什么事,so I told Jane what had happened 正在这个时候,孩子也说,Meanwhile, my son also said to Jane我听见她说孩子的话,‘when I heard her words toward her son我想,她是妈妈,怎么可以这样说自己的孩子?I thought, she was a mother, how could she speak to her son like that?于是,孩子也开始眼睛痒,鼻子要打喷嚏,好像花粉过敏一样。Then, my son also began to have reactions, itchy eyes and a sneezing nose, like hay fever.

叶姐说,神在显明这次我们在属灵争战上失败了,Jane said to me, it was God who was showing us that we had failed the spiritual battle, 我们掉进论断的试探里,because we had fallen to the temptation of judgement 但是主耶稣已经为我们做了赎价but Jesus paid the penalty for us, 何时我们转向祂whenever we turn to Him,祂就解救我们,向我们显明祂的得胜 He delivers us and shows us that He is the Overcomer.  

于是,叶姐带我们祷告,悔改一切没有靠神,靠自己,并论断的罪,so Jane led me in prayers of confession, because rather than relying on God I had relied on myself, and I had fallen to the temptation of judgement, 我孩子也掉进了试探which had also affected my son,我们接受了基督的饶恕,饶恕自己,也饶恕她We received Jesusforgiveness to forgive ourselves and the other person, 神就医治了我们God healed us. 在我们里面查经聚会前Before we left for home from the bible study, 我们已经完全得了医治we had been 100% healed.

感谢主,thank God 让我们身体出现不适,看是不好的事情,it seemed that it was a bad thing to make us feel uncomfortable, 但感谢神,祂活着but thank God ,He is alive, 当我们转向祂我们得拯救when we turned to Him, we got delivered. 我认识到一点论断的, 可以叫我们离开神的面,被撒旦攻击I learnt that a little yeast of judgment could get us out of the presence of God and result in being attacked by the evil one, 并遭受损失and suffer loss. 但神是好的But God is good, 祂在训练我们亲身经历属灵争战He is training us to experience Spiritual warfare personally, 带领我们操练脱离旧人的黑暗,进入新人的光明and guiding us to learn how to take off the old self of darkness and put on the new self of light by personal experience. 因此我们可以在真理和信心上成长,以至于服侍有果效 so that we may grow in faith and in truth to be able to serve effectively.  



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