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【罗8:5】因为随从肉体的人,体贴肉体的事;随从圣灵的人,体贴圣灵的事。【Rom8:5】Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

发表于 2025-02-03

天然人我们从前就是随从肉体活着,想吃什么就去吃,想做什么就去做,一旦想要“得”的欲望受到拦阻,就不高兴,发火,恼恨,犯罪了。“爱人”更是照着肉体的感受,你对我好,我就对你好,你一旦伤害我,我就不理你,计算你的恶,不饶恕,恨你了。As natural humans, we used to live according to the flesh, eat whatever we wanted, and do whatever we desired. Once our desire to "get" was thwarted, we would become unhappy, angry, upset, and sinful. "Loving others" was based on the feelings of the flesh: if you are good to me, I will be good to you. Once you hurt me, I will ignore you, count your wrongs, be unforgiving, and hate you.照着天然人的思想行善,就像彼得拉住基督,不要去死在十字架上,看着是爱,却是与神为仇。惟有靠着真理,借着信心祷告,求光照出私欲,凡事寻求神的旨意,体贴神的心意,接受神递的苦杯,对神的旨意顺服至死,爱神胜过爱自己的面子、自尊、钱、房子等,体贴圣灵,才能成为真正的属灵人!Doing good according to natural human thoughts is like Peter holding on to Christ, refusing to die on the cross. It may appear to be love, but it is enmity against God. We can only rely on the truth, pray through faith, ask for light to reveal our selfish desires, seek God’s will in everything, be considerate of God’s will, accept the bitter cup handed down by God, obey God’s will to the point of death, and love God more than our own face, self-esteem, money, house, and so on. Only by caring for the Holy Spirit can we become truly spiritual people!


以下是祷告:Here is the prayer:

主耶稣,感谢你不体贴肉体,而是体贴神的旨意,被我们天然人钉在十字架上。我细想你的爱,你宁死也不向罪人的“有理”妥协,却用死而复活饶恕并赐生命给悔改的罪人,来表达你的爱。原来,神的爱是在不体贴肉体、体贴圣灵的生命里彰显出来的。Lord Jesus, thank You that You are not focused on the flesh but on the will of God, and were crucified by our natural beings. I reflect carefully on Your love. You would rather die than compromise with sinners' "reasons," but You showed Your love by dying and rising again to forgive and give life to repentant sinners. It turns out that God’s love is manifested in a life that does not care about the flesh but cares about the Holy Spirit.若体贴肉体,就是与神为仇,就不能住在神的爱里。求主每天光照我,引导我,从小事上开始对付我的体贴肉体,让我能成为属灵人。If you are carnally minded, you are at enmity with God and cannot abide in God's love. I ask the Lord to enlighten me and guide me every day. Start by dealing with my carnal thoughts in small things, so that I can become a spiritual person.


当我很想“吃”某样东西、“做”自己想做的事、“要”某样自己渴望的东西时,若这些欲望被孩子、家人或环境拦阻,使我快要发火时,求圣灵引导我的心。真理说:“随从肉体的人,体贴肉体的事。” When I really want to "eat" something, "do" something I desire, or "want" something, and these desires are blocked by my children, family, or environment, and I am about to get angry, I will ask the Holy Spirit to guide my heart. The truth says: "He who lives according to the flesh has his mind set on the things of the flesh."这样会使我进入犯罪的死,与神隔绝。我不要再随从肉体,不得自由。神的灵在哪里,哪里就得自由。神的灵在我里面,我愿意起来顺服圣灵。因赐生命圣灵的律在基督里释放了我,使我可以脱离罪和死的律。我宣告,我要成为顺从圣灵的人,体贴圣灵的事。This will lead me into the death of sin and separation from God. I no longer want to follow the flesh and be bound by it. Where the Spirit of God is, there is freedom. The Spirit of God is within me, and I am willing to rise up and obey the Holy Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ has set me free from the law of sin and death. I declare that I will be a person who obeys the Holy Spirit and is mindful of the things of the Holy Spirit.


主,我感谢你!我愿意相信,这拦阻不是出于他或她,而是出于你。你兴起这些环境,乃是要除去我里面的捆绑,使我可以得自由。将我的“吃、睡、做、要”等任何欲望交托在你公义慈爱的手中。Lord, I thank You! I want to believe that this hindrance is not from him or her, but from You. You raise these circumstances to remove the bondage within me so that I can be free. I place all my desires—whether to eat, sleep, do, want, etc.—into Your righteous and loving hands.你若给我的,就是最好的,不让我像亚当一样,靠自己去抓取、去得着。奉主耶稣的名,求圣灵在我里面破除一切因“欲望受阻”而生发的恼恨、抱怨、苦毒、不饶恕的营垒。我愿意饶恕XXX(可以说出那些人的名字)。If You give it to me, it is the best. Don’t let me grab and obtain it on my own like Adam. In the name of the Lord Jesus, I ask the Holy Spirit to break down in me all strongholds of anger, complaining, bitterness, and unforgiveness caused by "desire-blocked." I am willing to forgive XXX (you can name those people).


不是“他或她”拦阻我,我相信是你借此释放我,叫我学会借着祷告交托神,顺服圣灵,顺服真理,体贴圣灵的意思。我愿意体贴圣灵,等候神。It’s not "he or she" that holds me back; I believe it’s You who releases me through this, allowing me to learn to surrender to God through prayer, obey the Holy Spirit, obey the truth, and be considerate of the Holy Spirit’s will.求真理的灵掌管我,我愿意体贴你的旨意,不体贴我自己的意思。求主的爱充满我,使我得胜。谢谢主耶稣,奉主耶稣的名祷告,阿们。(还可以继续代祷…)I am willing to be considerate of the Holy Spirit and wait on God. I ask the Spirit of truth to control me, and I will be willing to consider Your will, not my own. Please fill me with the Lord’s love and give me victory. Thank You, Lord Jesus. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. (You can also continue to pray...)叶牧师 Pastor Jane


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