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【罗8:3】律法既因肉体软弱,有所不能行的,神就差遣自己的儿子成为罪身的形状,作了赎罪祭,在肉体中定了罪案,使律法的义成就在我们这不随从肉体,只随从圣灵的人身上。【Romans8:3】For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh,

发表于 2025-02-02

以色列人有律法,有神的话,照自己的肉体的思想判断什么可以作,什么不可以作,The Israelites had the law and God’s word. They judged what was permissible and what was not according to their own fleshly thinking. 也奉献金钱,也在会堂服事。可是当主耶稣来时,却不认识祂。They gave offerings and served in the synagogue. Yet, when the Lord Jesus came, they did not recognize Him. 这只能见证人的“老我”是不认识神,也不认识自己,因为肉体已经卖给罪了,行不出公义的神的样子。This testifies that man’s “old self” does not know God or even himself, for the flesh has been sold to sin and cannot live out the righteousness of God. 惟有先认识自己的败坏,认识什么是神的良善,不随从己,让基督在里面活,才能真正蒙神喜悦。以下是祷告:Only by first recognizing one’s own corruption and understanding what God’s goodness truly is—no longer following oneself but allowing Christ to live within—can one truly be pleasing to God. Here is the prayer:

主啊,求你赦免我,我真的还不认识我肉体里有多么的不能行。Lord, please forgive me. I still do not truly understand how incapable my flesh is. 从小到大,我学什么,我外在学了,就照着去做,但我的心如何?我不晓得。From childhood to adulthood, whatever I learned externally, I would follow and do accordingly—but what about my heart? I did not know. 当我学画画、做饭、剪发,各样的技术,我学会又做了,When I learned to paint, cook, cut hair, and acquire various skills, I practiced them. 当人说不好时,我就难过,不悦、羞愧、甚至因心受伤就说苦毒的话…But when others criticized my work, I felt sad, displeased, ashamed, and even spoke bitter words because my heart was hurt. 带着这样一个肉体的律,当我信了你,我就照着圣经要求,去爱人,去服事,去做一些圣经教导的。Carrying this law of the flesh, when I came to believe in You, I followed the Bible’s teachings—I loved, served, and did what Scripture commanded. 做完了,我自己都觉得自己已经很好了,可当有人还说我做的不好时,我的心怎样呢?After doing these things, I even thought I had done well. But when others still criticized me, how did my heart respond?  还是受伤、难过,甚至会恼怒、恨人…原来律法因肉体软弱,是有所不能行的,靠自己行不出圣洁公义的律法。I was hurt, saddened, and even became angry or resentful. This proves that the law, weakened by the flesh, is powerless. On my own, I cannot fulfill the holy and righteous law.

主,我表面做好事,内心却在一被挤压的环境里就生出罪。Lord, outwardly I do good deeds, but when placed in a pressured environment, sin arises in my heart. 感谢你差你独生的爱子为我死己。你没有罪却甘愿被定了罪案,叫我因信,不再信自己可以、自己能,Thank You for sending Your only begotten Son to die for me. You were without sin, yet You willingly bore condemnation so that through faith, I would no longer trust in my own ability or strength. 乃是要我心意更新而变化,信自己不能,Instead, You call me to be transformed by the renewing of my mind—to recognize that I am incapable.就算是做了什么“能”的事,只要一被挤压,就压出恶——不服、恼恨、争竞、嫉妒、苦毒等罪了。(可以在具体的事上求主光照)。Even when I manage to do something “right,” the moment pressure comes, it exposes the evil within me—resistance, anger, strife, jealousy, bitterness, and other sins. (Lord, please shine Your light on specific areas in my life.)

现在我奉主耶稣的名,叫这些罪和喜欢靠自己做事,做完了又自夸的老我与主同钉在十字架上。Now, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I crucify these sins and my old self, which loves to rely on my own efforts and boast in my own works, together with Christ on the cross.  因你在肉体里定了罪案,我更是要接受在肉体里定的罪案,叫肉体和肉体里的私欲,做事背后的动机,想得人夸,想和人比,与你同钉在十字架上。Since You have condemned sin in the flesh, I must also accept this judgment upon my flesh—crucifying not only my flesh but also its desires, the hidden motives behind my actions, my desire for human praise, and my tendency to compare myself with others. I nail them to the cross with You. 我将我的心意夺回,来顺从基督的真理,交托神,信靠神来断定,饶恕爱仇敌。I take captive my thoughts to obey the truth of Christ, entrusting everything to God, trusting in Him to judge rightly, and learning to forgive and love my enemies. 求主每天这样光照带领我,做每一件事,不是外面作,乃是里面被神来作,Lord, I ask You to shine Your light upon me and lead me daily, so that in all I do, it is not merely outward actions, but an inner work of Your Spirit. 使我成为一个心做真割礼的人,使律法的义成就在我们这不随从肉体,只随从圣灵的人身上。Make me one who has received the true circumcision of the heart, so that the righteousness of the law may be fulfilled in us who no longer walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.(叶牧师Pastor Jane)


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