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【罗8:2】因为赐生命圣灵的律在基督耶稣里释放了我,使我脱离罪和死的律了。【Romans8:2】because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

发表于 2025-01-31

是的,阿门! 因为【林前15:56】死的毒钩就是罪,罪的权势就是律法。Yes, Amen! For as it is written in 1 Corinthians 15:56, “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.” 我们头脑虽然知道律法,比如:不要忧虑,一天的难处一天当,可是心还是会止不住的担忧。Though my mind knows the law—for example, “Do not worry, for each day has enough trouble of its own”—yet my heart cannot stop worrying. 我们知道要爱仇敌,可是当孩子不听自己的话,当配偶做事超出了自己能承担的预期…I know I should love my enemies, but when my child does not listen to me, or when my spouse does something beyond what I can bear… 虽有律法在头脑里,可是心却还是不舒服,讨厌,发怒,说难听的话等,Though the law is in my mind, my heart still feels unsettled—I become annoyed, angry, and speak harsh words. 所以,光头脑里有律法不能使生命丰盛起来。以下是一些祷告:Thus, merely knowing the law in my mind cannot bring me into the fullness of life. Here are some prayers:

主啊,感谢你告诉我,不是我头脑里知道了一个真理知识,就能释放我,原来是赐生命圣灵的律在基督里会释放我。Lord, I thank You for showing me that it is not mere knowledge of truth that sets me free, but rather, it is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ that releases me. 义人是因信得生。信心的求告,不住在老自己的对错观,理由观里,而是求圣灵释放基督复活的能力,才能叫我得着释放和自由。The righteous shall live by faith. Faith calls upon You, not dwelling in my old reasoning of right and wrong, or in my own justifications, but rather seeking the Holy Spirit to release the power of Christ’s resurrection—only then can I find true freedom and deliverance. 当孩子不听话,我心正要发火时,主啊,求圣灵唤醒我,When my child disobeys me and I am about to lose my temper, Lord, awaken me by Your Spirit!  不是直接向孩子发怒,说苦毒咒骂的话,而是起来祷告,不要叫因发怒生出的罪和死的律辖制了我。Let me not respond with anger, nor speak words of bitterness and cursing, but rather turn to prayer. Let not the law of sin and death rule over me because of my anger.

因我在悖逆时,主,你也曾因我不晓得,为我死在十字架上。For when I was rebellious, Lord, You also died for me on the cross, knowing that I did not understand. 今天我的孩子,或其他家人,或同事,也不晓得他是悖逆的。在亚当里,人人都是一样的。Today, my child, my family, my coworkers—they do not realize their rebellion either. In Adam, all are the same. 我当转向你的饶恕和接纳,转向你赦罪的慈爱,求你赦免我心里抓他(或她)的恶,叫这恶与你同钉在十字架上!Therefore, I turn to Your forgiveness and acceptance, to Your love that pardons sin. Lord, forgive me for holding on to evil in my heart toward them. Let this evil be crucified with You upon the cross! 因我被讲对错理由、看不惯、抓别人的恶,这个律引导这么多年,生出的毒,在我里面伤害的是我自己,也伤害自己的家人,For all these years, I have been led by the law of right and wrong, by my own judgments, and it has brought forth poison that has harmed not only myself but also my family. 我愿意离弃,不再信自己的感受,这是罪和死的律。I choose to forsake this way—I will no longer trust in my own feelings, for they belong to the law of sin and death.

我信‘生命的律’在基督里,我愿意丧掉自己的对错观念,仰望十字架,信靠主真理(这里可以宣告神的话),接受主你的赦免,宝血洁净我,I believe in the law of life in Christ! I willingly lay down my own judgments and lift my eyes to the cross. I trust in Your truth (here, I declare the Word of God), receive Your forgiveness, and am cleansed by Your precious blood. 我也这样赦免我的孩子,配偶,同事等,放下自己,交托按公义审判的主,Just as You have forgiven me, so I also forgive my child, my spouse, my family, and my colleagues. I surrender myself and entrust all judgment to You, the righteous Judge. 求圣灵破除这个‘不饶恕的营垒’,将我心意夺回,顺服基督。Holy Spirit, break down this stronghold of unforgiveness! Take captive my thoughts and bring them into obedience to Christ. 求基督在我里面掌权对我的孩子,配偶,家人,同事说话,活出生命的样子荣耀你!Lord Jesus, reign within me! Speak through me to my child, my spouse, my family, and my colleagues, that I may manifest Your life and glorify You! 谢谢主耶稣,奉主名祷告!阿们!Thank You, Lord Jesus. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen!(也可以继续代祷。)You may also continue to intercede. (叶牧师Pastor Jane)


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