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【罗8:1】如今那些在基督耶稣里的、就不定罪了。【Rom8:1】Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,

发表于 2025-01-30

感谢主,因肉体软弱犯罪,基督被钉在十字架上,叫我们的肉体连同肉体的邪情私欲也与祂同钉在十字架上,Thank God, because of the weakness of the flesh and sin, Christ was crucified on the cross, so that our flesh and its evil desires were also crucified on the cross with Him.这是基督为我们成就的地位,需要我们凭信心真实的在环境里去支取,让这恩典真实的成为我们生命的实际。This is the position that Christ has achieved for us. We need to truly draw on it in our environment with faith, so that this grace can truly become the reality of our lives.当我们遇事不再顺着旧人的思想去想和行,就是不住在肉体里。When we no longer think and act according to the old man’s thoughts when encountering things, we are no longer living in the flesh.住在肉体里就有定罪感,如今住在基督里的,就不定罪了!Living in the flesh brings a sense of condemnation, but now those who live in Christ are no longer condemned!

(以下是一些具体的祷告:Here are some specific prayers:


主耶稣,感谢你为我的罪被钉在十字架上,我相信我的思想住在你的真理里,就不再怕被人定罪,被人否定,就去争对错,恼怒,不饶恕了。Lord Jesus, thank You for being nailed to the cross for my sins. I believe that my mind lives in Your truth, so I am no longer afraid of being condemned or denied, and I will not argue about right and wrong, get angry, or refuse to forgive.求主光照我在怎样的时候是最怕被人定罪的…当配偶(家人,同事…) 说“都是你,你看你怎么做事的?这点小事都做不好?” I ask the Lord to enlighten me when I am most afraid of being condemned... When my spouse (family, colleagues...) says, "It’s all your fault. Look at how you do things. You can’t even do such a small thing right?"当我感觉被数落、被抱怨、被论断、被委屈时…(可以向主祷告具体的事)When I feel criticised, complained about, judged, or wronged... (You can pray to the Lord for specific things),我就立即争辩说“不是的”或是立即生气发怒了…I will immediately argue "No" or get angry...


主啊,这不是照着世人的样子活在怕被定罪的感觉里,不信你的话吗?如今在基督里的就不定罪了!阿们!我信这话!Lord, isn’t this living in the fear of being condemned, like the world does, and not believing in Your words? Now those who are in Christ are not condemned! Amen! I believe this!求主赦免我刚才在人面前争“对错”的思想,宝血洁净我May the Lord forgive my thoughts of arguing about "right and wrong" in front of others just now, and cleanse me with His precious blood.。你被挂在木头上,没有因怕被定罪就恨人,反将自己交托按公义审判的主。You were hung on the tree, but You did not hate people because of fear of being condemned, but entrusted Yourself to the Lord who judges righteously.求圣灵更新我的观念,从前别人一说我哪里做的不好,我感觉被定罪就心里难过,受伤,讨厌人,生气,不理人,甚至积怨,给仇敌留地步,破坏我和家人、身边人的关系…May the Holy Spirit renew my thinking. In the past, when others said that I did something wrong, I felt condemned, felt sad, hurt, hated people, got angry, ignored people, and even accumulated resentment, leaving room for the enemy to destroy my relationships with my family and those around me...


如今我因信:“在基督里就不被定罪了”!在肉体的思想里才会感觉被定罪!Now I believe: "In Christ, there is no condemnation"! In the flesh, I feel condemned in my mind!原来你借人说的话和一些事情发生,照出我心里正不舒服时,是要借此光照我,是住在基督里?还是住在自己的肉体老思想里?So, when You use the words of others and certain situations to illuminate my uncomfortable heart, You want to enlighten me to live in Christ? Or live in my own fleshly old thoughts?我愿意此刻就转向你的救恩,求你赦免我刚才立即争辩、生气…的罪,叫这些罪与你同钉十字架叫,求你的饶恕充满我…你没有定罪我,你是领我悔改转向你的救恩。I am willing to turn to Your salvation at this moment, and ask You to forgive my sins of arguing and getting angry just now, so that these sins can be crucified with You, and I ask for Your forgiveness to fill me... You did not condemn me, You led me to repent and turn to Your salvation.我愿意饶恕那指出我问题的人,因我信那人是你的使者,特要借此光照我,叫我借着祷告,叫我的争辩,发怒等与你同钉十架,叫我住到基督里面,这是你的恩典。I am willing to forgive the person who pointed out my problem, because I believe that person is Your messenger, and they want to enlighten me through this, so that I can pray, and so my arguments, anger, etc. can be crucified with You, and I can live in Christ. This is Your grace.


感谢主!真受割礼的,是内心的割礼,内心让自己的意思都不得成就,让基督的生命在里面活,那人受的称赞不是从人来的,乃是从神来的。Thank the Lord! The true circumcision is the circumcision of the heart. If one does not allow his own will to be fulfilled in his heart and allows the life of Christ to live in him, the praise he receives does not come from people, but from God.感谢主,借我从前认为“不好的话”“难听的话”和不好的环境,今天借这真理“在基督里的就不定罪了”, Thank the Lord, for using the words I used to think were "bad", "unpleasant to hear", and the bad environment to now use the truth that "there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ".凭着信,求圣灵更新我的思想,不活在人前争对错好坏,乃是叫内心活在神的面前被更新,By faith, I ask the Holy Spirit to renew my thoughts, not to live in front of others arguing about right and wrong, good and bad, but to let my heart be renewed before God,不顾念外面看得见的,只顾念里面别人看不见的基督的饶恕,爱仇敌,信靠,交托父神去断定的丰盛生命在里面掌权。not to care about what is visible on the outside, but only to care about the forgiveness of Christ that others cannot see, love enemies, trust, and entrust the abundant life of God the Father to judge to rule within.主耶稣,我赞美你的美好旨意!谢谢你的救恩配得一切的赞美!Lord Jesus, I praise Your beautiful will! Thank You for Your salvation, which deserves all praise! (叶牧师Pastor Jane)


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