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【罗7:18】我也知道在我里头,就是我肉体之中,没有良善。因为立志为善由得我,只是行出来由不得我。【Rom7:18】For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.

发表于 2025-01-28

信主之后,我们知道什么是罪,什么是神所喜悦的,于是我们想要改变,想要遵行神的命令。After believing in the Lord, we come to know what sin is and what pleases God, so we desire to change and obey Gods commands.然而实际生活中,屡次失败,屡次挣扎,也鼓励自己下次不要再犯同样的罪,下次要做好一些,没有想到很快又跌倒了。However, in real life, we fail and struggle repeatedly. We also encourage ourselves not to commit the same sin again and to do better next time, but we fall again soon after.于是灰心失望,觉得没有人能做到,这太难了!是的没有人能做到。So we feel discouraged and disappointed, thinking that no one can do it. It’s too difficult! Yes, no one can do it.


因为世人都犯了罪!头脑知道什么是良善,行动上却做不到。Because everyone in the world has sinned! The mind knows what is good, but the actions cannot follow.想去爱人,行出来的却是恼怒,埋怨…不想沉迷手机,游戏,却停不下来…。想行的善,行不出来;不想行的恶反倒去行。I want to love others, but what comes out is anger and complaints... I don’t want to indulge in mobile phones and games, but I can’t stop...I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 原来肉体是卖给罪的,是改不好的,是无望的,自认为的好行为背后隐藏着多少见不得人的恶念It turns out that the flesh is sold to sin, and it is hard to change, and it feels hopeless. There are so many shameful, evil thoughts hidden behind the good behaviour that I think is good.


外在的好行为,不能除去内心深处的自私、贪婪、争竞、惧怕、羞耻感…罪的工价就是死。谁能救我脱离罪,脱离这取死的身体呢?Good behaviour on the outside cannot remove the selfishness, greed, competition, fear, and shame deep in the heart... The wages of sin is death. Who can save me from sin and this body of death?感谢天父,赐下祂的独生儿子!耶稣来为了拯救罪人,圣灵住在我们里面,我们成为新造的人!在人不能的,在神凡事都能!靠着耶稣,我们可以重新再活一次!Thank God for giving His only Son! Jesus came to save sinners. The Holy Spirit lives in us, and we become new creations! God can do all things that are impossible with man! With Jesus, we can live again!


主,你大有权柄能力,为救我不救自己。我无力自救,惟有降服在十架前,仰望你的拯救!Lord, You have great authority and power. You saved me, but not Yourself. I am powerless to save myself. I can only surrender before the cross and look to Your salvation!圣灵,求你更深光照我,洁净我,更新我,不是改好,不是做好,而是弃绝一切从世界来的谎言,Holy Spirit, please enlighten me more deeply, cleanse me, and renew me. It is not to change for the better or to do better, but to abandon all lies from the world,不再信自己和自己的判断,丧掉自己魂里面的标准、要求、期望,让耶稣的心在我里面掌权,行出义,活出爱,使神得荣耀。no longer believe in myself and my own judgment, lose the standards, requirements, and expectations in my soul, let the heart of Jesus rule in me, do righteousness, live out love, and glorify God. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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