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【罗6:23】因为罪的工价乃是死;惟有神的恩赐,在我们的主基督耶稣里,乃是永生。【Rom6:23】For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

发表于 2025-01-28

保罗再次告诉我们活着要思想结局,我们到底选择作谁的奴仆,因为罪的工价乃是死;惟有神的恩赐,在我们的主基督耶稣里,乃是永生。保罗强调罪的工价和神的恩赐,一个是死,一个是永生。Paul once again reminds us to think about the outcome while living. Who do we choose to be slaves to? Because the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Paul emphasises the wages of sin and the gift of Godone leads to death, and the other to eternal life.我们到底是要作罪的奴仆,还是愿意作神的奴仆呢?当我们轻忽罪,轻看神的律例典章,我行我素行,行神眼中看为恶的事,结局就是属灵的死亡。Do we want to be slaves to sin, or are we willing to be slaves to God? When we neglect sin, disregard God's laws and regulations, do what we want, and act in ways that are evil in God's eyes, the end result is spiritual death.


因罪的工价就是死,与神隔绝,以别神代替耶和华他的愁苦必加增,就失去了与神同在的喜乐。Because the wages of sin is death, separation from God, and replacing Jehovah with other gods, his sorrow will increase, and he will lose the joy of being with God.但神不断给我们悔改的机会,让我们与祂联合,以耶稣基督的心为心,每天思念天上的事,行神眼中看为正的事,以敬畏神为乐,行审判不凭眼见,断事非不凭耳闻,为进入永生竭力在地上预备自己跟神建立亲密的关系。But God constantly gives us opportunities to repent, so that we can unite with Him, have the heart of Jesus Christ, think about heavenly things every day, do what is right in the eyes of God, take pleasure in fearing God, judge not by what we see, and judge not by what we hear, so that we may enter eternal life and strive to prepare ourselves on earth to establish a close relationship with God.


罪的工价就是死,什么叫工价?就是种什么就收什么,种了多少的不饶恕、论断、苦毒、愤恨恼怒、看不惯、不感恩、嫉妒比较等等,收的果子全是毒害、罪孽,被罪深深缠累捆所,不能得自由,这个叫工价。The wages of sin is death. What are the wages? It means that you reap what you sow. No matter how much unforgiveness, judgment, bitterness, resentment, anger, intolerance, ingratitude, jealousy, and so on are sown, the fruits that are harvested are all poison and sin. We are deeply entangled and bound by sin and cannot be free. This is what is meant by wages.但主恩广阔,当我们在过犯罪恶中祂要我们活过来,祂舍了祂自己,为我们受鞭伤受刑罚,甘心做了挽回祭,使我们有永活的盼望。This is what is meant by wages. But the Lords grace is vast. When we are in sin and evil, He wants us to come alive. He gave up Himself, was whipped and punished for us, and willingly became a propitiation, so that we may have the hope of eternal life.


主啊,我不愿意继续在罪中沉沦,不再享受罪中之乐,罪的后果苦不堪言,人看似活的其实就是死的,对属灵的事不感兴趣,除了消沉就是软弱,也不愿读经 祷告 聚会,灵命受损,事事受阻。Lord, I dont want to continue sinking in sin and no longer enjoying the pleasure of sin. The consequences of sin are unbearable. People seem to be alive but are actually dead. They are not interested in spiritual things. They are either depressed or weak. They are unwilling to read the Bible, pray, or attend meetings. Their spiritual life is damaged, and everything is blocked.主啊,你的美意总是好的,受苦是与我有益,为要认识你的律例典章。每天分别为圣,实行爱神爱人,行活人之道,活出成圣的果子,结局就是永生。Lord, Your good intentions are always good. Suffering is good for me, so that I can know Your laws and regulations. Set Yourself apart every day, practise loving God and loving others, walk the way of a living person, and live out the fruit of sanctification. The end result is eternal life. (郭姊妹 Sister Guo)


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