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【罗6:16】岂不晓得你们献上自己作奴仆,顺从谁,就作谁的奴仆吗?或作罪的奴仆,以至于死;或作顺命的奴仆,以至成义。【Rom 6:16】 Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

发表于 2025-01-26

保罗告诉我们,顺从谁,就作谁的奴仆。不同的选择,带来不同的结局。Paul tells us that whoever we obey, we become slaves to that one. Different choices lead to different outcomes.或作罪的奴仆,结局是死。或作顺命的奴仆,结局是成义,是永生。Being a slave to sin leads to death, while being a slave to obedience leads to righteousness, which is eternal life.要么是罪的奴仆,要么是义的奴仆,没有第三种道路。我们的选择决定了我们成为何种人。Whether we are slaves to sin or to righteousness, there is no third way. Our choices determine the kind of person we become.到底谁是我的主?我要顺从谁?耶稣会如何行? Who is my Lord? Who should I obey? What would Jesus do?


从前不信耶稣的时候,我们是罪的奴仆。信了耶稣之后,神释放了我们,我们把自己献给神,甘心作神的仆人。然而我们里面还有一个旧人,旧人是卖给罪的。Before we believed in Jesus, we were slaves to sin. After believing in Jesus, God set us free, and we presented ourselves to Him, willingly becoming His servants. However, the old nature still exists within us, and it was sold to sin.所有犯罪的,就是罪的奴仆。新人与旧人的争战,谁能得胜?在乎我们平时顺从谁,喂养谁?听从神?还是顺从自己的私欲?All who sin are slaves to sin. In the battle between the new nature and the old, who will win? Who do we obey and feed in our daily lives? Do we obey God, or do we obey our own desires?


亚当顺从怀疑、不信、背逆、贪婪,结果全人类落在死和咒诅中。神是公义的。Adam obeyed doubt, unbelief, rebellion, and greed, and as a result, all of humanity fell into death and curse. God is righteous.主,求你赦免我,体贴自己的意思,顺从罪,却期望得祝福的果子!Lord, please forgive me for prioritising my own will and obeying sin while expecting to receive the fruit of blessing!经上说,不要自欺,人种的是什么,收的也是什么。The Bible says, “Do not be deceived, for a man will reap what he sows.”顺从情欲撒种,收的是败坏。顺从圣灵撒种,得着的是永生。罪的后果是我们承受不起的。Sowing to the flesh will reap corruption, while sowing to the Spirit will reap eternal life. The consequences of sin are something we cannot bear.


主,急难之中,我要回转归向你,你是我的主,你舍命买赎了我,你的命令全然是爱。Lord, in times of distress, I will turn back to you. You are my Lord. You gave your life to redeem me. Your commands are all given in love.正当私欲来试探时,我的心要停住,我要什么?我要作义的奴仆,脱离咒诅!When selfish desires come to tempt me, I will pause and reflect. What do I want? I want to be a servant of righteousness and escape the curse!求圣灵治死我里面的贪婪、诡诈、惧怕、怀疑…May the Holy Spirit put to death the greed, deceit, fear, and doubt within me, so that I may obey the truth and be an obedient servant—使我顺服真理,作顺命的奴仆,使神的义作成在我里面,得着神儿子的实际,荣耀天上的父。so that God’s righteousness may be worked in me, that I may obtain the reality of being a child of God and glorify the Father in heaven.

 (付 Pastor Fu


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