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【罗6:7-8】因为已死的人是脱离了罪,我们若是与基督同死,就信必与他同活。【Rom6:7-8】because anyone who has died has been set free from sin. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with Him.

发表于 2025-01-23

耶稣为我们的罪,被钉死在十字架上,是历史的事实。因着信,我们的旧人已经与基督同钉十字架使罪身灭绝,罪不再掌控我们。Jesus was crucified for our sins—a historical fact. Through faith, our old self has been crucified with Christ so that the body of sin might be done away with, and sin would no longer have control over us.因为已死的人是脱离了罪。死人对任何的冒犯,不会再生气、发怒、恨人…For anyone who has died has been set free from sin. A dead person no longer reacts to offence with anger, hatred, or resentment.但在生活中,为什么我们的肉体还会起跳起来, 跟人争吵呢?顺从谁就做谁的奴仆。Yet in daily life, why does our flesh still rise up and argue with others? The one we obey becomes our master.


我们信:如果和基督同死,也必和他同活。原来是信上出问题了。We believe: if we have died with Christ, we will also live with Him. It turns out the issue lies with faith.当环境来临时,信我的旧人与基督同死,因信呼求圣灵,向心里一切惧怕、忧虑、生气、恼怒的反应是死的,When circumstances arise, we must believe that our old self has died with Christ. By faith, we call upon the Holy Spirit and put to death any fear, anxiety, anger, or resentment in our hearts.我不要再做罪的奴仆,我把自己献给神做义的器皿,我愿意顺服神的爱,饶恕,信靠神的公义…就要与主同活了We refuse to be slaves to sin any longer. Instead, we offer ourselves to God as instruments of righteousness. We choose to obey God's love, forgive, trust in His justice, and live with Christ.


是的,主啊,我信,与你同死,必与你同活!死不是终点,籍着向己死,向罪的思维、意念、行为死,我要得着复活的生命,这是死的盼望!Yes, Lord, I believe that if I die with You, I will also live with You! Death is not the end. By dying to self—dying to sinful thoughts, attitudes, and behaviours—I receive resurrection life. This is the hope of death!这复活的生命,不用等到将来,今生就可以经历!主啊,你向信的人所显的能力是何等浩大,就是叫基督从死里复活的能力,也正运行在我们里面!And this resurrection life does not need to wait for the future; it can be experienced in this life! Lord, how great is the power You display for those who believe, the same power that raised Christ from the dead and now works within us!


主啊,感谢你的十字架所成就的救恩,你从死里复活,得胜真到永远!我的旧人改不好,惟有钉死自己!Lord, I thank You for the salvation accomplished on the cross. You have risen from the dead, victorious forever! My old self cannot be improved; it can only be put to death!为着那荣耀的复活,使我不顺从体贴自己的意思,For the glory of resurrection, I will no longer follow my own desires.在最难受的时候,不再钉别人,而是向自己的惧怕、贪婪、羞耻感死,向神的真理活,活出饶恕、感恩、爱的生命,见证耶稣的复活。In moments of suffering, I will not blame others but will die to my own fear, greed, and shame, and live for God's truth. I will live a life of forgiveness, gratitude, and love, bearing witness to the resurrection of Jesus.

(付传道Pastor Fu)


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