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【罗5:19】因一人的悖逆,众人成为罪人;照样,因一人的顺从,众人也成为义了。【Rom5:19】For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.

发表于 2025-01-22

先前的亚当和末后的亚当,他们不同的选择,就带出不同的结局,先前亚当的悖逆,吃了禁果,使众人成为罪人,罪就进入了世界,结局就是灵性的死亡,与神隔绝;he different choices of the previous Adam and the last Adam led to different outcomes. The previous Adam’s disobedience in eating the forbidden fruit made everyone sinners, and sin entered the world. The outcome was spiritual death and separation from God.末后的亚当耶稣基督的顺从,顺服至死且死在十字架上,救恩就成了,众人因祂的顺从成为义了。Through the obedience of the last Adam, Jesus Christ, to the point of death—even death on the cross—salvation was accomplished, and all people were made righteous because of His obedience.


亚当悖逆违背神的命令,罪和死就临到众人,基督的顺从却付出极大的代价。祂虽然为儿子,还是因所受的苦难学了顺从。Adam disobeyed God's command, and sin and death came to everyone. Christ's obedience paid a great price. Although He was a Son, He learned obedience through the suffering He endured. “我父爱我,因我将命舍去……这是我从父所受的命令",因顺从神的命令,祂舍弃自己的性命,为救罪人,并说: "我父所给我的那杯,我岂可不喝呢?" "My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life... this is the command I received from the Father." In obedience to God's command, He laid down His life to save sinners and said: "My Father gave Me the cup; shall I not drink it?"


主啊,你舍命为我们做了挽回祭,恢复我们和你的关系。何等深情的爱,救我们不救你自己,担当我们的过犯,背负我们的罪恶,Lord, You sacrificed Your life as a propitiation for us and restored our relationship with You. Such affectionate love—saving us but not Yourself, bearing our transgressions, carrying our sins.你受鞭伤我们得医治,你受刑罚我们得平安。你爱我们不爱你自己,用你自己的血救我们脱离罪恶,带来饶恕、义、属灵的生命和永远的荣耀。You were bruised, and we are healed; You were punished, and we find peace. You love us without loving Yourself and save us from sin with Your own blood, bringing forgiveness, righteousness, spiritual life, and eternal glory.


亲爱的父,我们赞美你的舍命大爱,真知道你的恩召有何等指望,这份救恩何等宝贵,心被恩感,使我们也成为义,完全顺服你命令的器皿。Dear Father, we praise You for Your sacrificial love. We truly know the hope of Your calling and how precious this salvation is. Our hearts are grateful, making us righteous and fully obedient to Your commands.不畏惧艰险困苦,坚定效仿你的脚踪,顺服到底,承接这爱的使命,甘心喝那苦杯,成就他人牺牲自己。每天竭力在罪上死,在义上活,有你国度的胸怀,成为祝福的管道,活出新生的样式,荣耀主名。Not fearing dangers and hardships, we firmly follow Your footsteps, obey to the end, take on this mission of love, and willingly drink the bitter cup—achieving others and sacrificing ourselves. Strive to die to sin and live to righteousness every day, have the mindset of Your kingdom, become a channel of blessing, live a new life, and glorify the name of the Lord. (郭姊妹 Sister Guo)


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