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【罗5:8】惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死,神的爱就在此向我们显明了。【Rom5:8】But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

发表于 2025-01-21

天然人的爱是,你爱我,我才爱你。你若恶待我,伤害我,背叛我,我就恨你!远离你!The love of natural people is, "I love you only if you love me. If you treat me badly, hurt me, betray me, I will hate you! Stay away from you!"我们的头脑无法理解,谁会去爱仇敌?谁能做到?惟有耶稣基督,在我们还作罪人的时候,还与他为仇的时候,还拒绝他,抵挡他的时候,为我们而死。神的爱在十字架上向我们显明了。Our minds cannot comprehend who would love an enemy. Who can do it? Only Jesus Christ died for us when we were still sinners, when we were still enemies with Him, when we still rejected Him and resisted Him. God's love was revealed to us on the cross.


若预先知道一个人会恨我,弃绝我,断乎不会去爱这样的人,因为要保护自己不受伤害。If I knew in advance that a person would hate me and reject me, I would never love such a person, because I would protect myself from being hurt.耶稣预先知道我们的本相,还是不后悔走下荣耀的宝座,不后悔为我们的罪走上十架,不后悔用祂自己的生命换我们的生命…Jesus knew our true nature in advance, but He still did not regret stepping down from the throne of glory, going to the cross for our sins, and exchanging His own life for our lives...谁能像我们的神,我们的主,爱到极处,甘心受羞辱,甘心舍命!Who can be like our God, our Lord, who loves to the extreme, willing to be humiliated, and willing to die!


主为我们而死,不是因我们的义。在我们顺从仇恨、贪婪、嫉妒、诡诈、作恶、背逆、不配的时候,耶稣用生命把我们赎买回来!The Lord died for us, not because of our righteousness. When we obeyed hatred, greed, jealousy, deceit, evil, rebellion, and unworthiness, Jesus redeemed us with His life!主啊,我的心不可忘记你一切的恩惠,你救我脱离死亡,我曾献上自己要为你而活,求你赦免我,到了生活中,又一次次顺从罪,你的爱是何等的忍耐!Lord, my heart must not forget all Your grace. You saved me from death. I once offered myself to live for You. Please forgive me. In life, I obeyed sin again and again. How patient is Your love!


主,感谢你赐下圣灵住在我里面,求你帮助我,恨恶罪恶,不再叫圣灵担忧,我接受你的爱,Lord, thank You for giving the Holy Spirit to live in me. Please help me to hate sin and no longer grieve the Holy Spirit. I accept Your love.你怎么饶恕我,为我舍命,圣灵帮助我,也去饶恕我身边跟我一样的犯罪的人,使我甘心丧掉自己里面的对错理由、面子自尊,向仇恨、苦毒死,Just as You forgave me and laid down Your life for me, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will also forgive those around me who have committed the same sins as I have, so that I may be willing to give up my own reasons for right and wrong, face, and self-esteem, and die to hatred and bitterness.求耶稣的爱充满我,使我活出爱仇敌的生命,见证你的爱。I ask that the love of Jesus may fill me, so that I may live a life of loving my enemies and bear witness to Your love. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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