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【罗5:3】不但如此,就是在患难中也是欢欢喜喜的。因为知道患难生忍耐。【Rom5:3】Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;

发表于 2025-01-20

因信称义得到的福是多而又多,不单藉着耶稣基督得与神相和,还有何等盼望的荣耀,保罗是所有福的见证人,他亲身经历体验这其中的美好。他说,不但如此,除了这些福后面更是恩典满满,就是在患难中也是欢欢喜喜的。The blessings obtained by being justified by faith are many and abundant. Not only are we at peace with God through Jesus Christ, but we also have such a hope of glory. Paul is a witness to all these blessings. He personally experienced their beauty. He said, not only that, in addition to these blessings, there is also an abundance of grace, and you can rejoice even in the midst of adversity.因为知道患难生忍耐。谁能做到在患难中可以欢欢喜喜呢?因信称义的人就可以做到,因他们是以神的视角看待一切。Because we know that adversity produces perseverance. Who can rejoice in the midst of adversity? Those who are justified by faith can do this because they see everything from Gods perspective.


他们相信出于神的都是好的,那是从上帝而来的祝福。能与主耶稣基督同受苦难是何等蒙上帝的眷顾,才能有这样的恩典进入神所预备的患难,这患难背后的爱之深,旨意之美好,They believe that everything that comes from God is good and is a blessing from God. Being able to suffer with the Lord Jesus Christ is such a favour from God that you can have the grace to enter the tribulations prepared by God. The love behind this tribulation is deep, and the will is beautiful.惟有那甘心顺服且愿意品尝这患难的人知道这其中的宝贵。以至于他们面对患难的考试就是欢欢喜喜的,因现在的苦楚若比起将来要显于我们的荣耀,就不足介意了。Only those who are willing to obey and are willing to taste this tribulation can know how valuable this is. So much so that they rejoice when facing the test of suffering, because the sufferings of now are nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed in us in the future.


传道书说:“遇亨通的日子,你当喜乐;遭患难的日子,你当思想。” 我们要成为一个时时刻刻思想神应许的人。患难本身不是令人高兴的事情,但是因我们盼望患难之后的荣耀,所以我们在患难中也能喜乐。The book of Ecclesiastes says: “Rejoice in the days of prosperity, and meditate in the days of trouble.” We must become people who think about Gods promises all the time. Suffering itself is not a pleasant thing, but because we look forward to the glory that follows the suffering, we can also rejoice in the suffering.因为患难可以生忍耐,“生”是一个痛的过程,人本性经不起任何的挫折,无忍耐之心,上帝特用患难训练我们有忍耐的品格,使我们的生命更像祂。Because adversity can produce patience, and "birth" is a painful process. Human nature cannot withstand any setbacks and has no patience. God specially uses adversity to train us to have a patient character and make our lives more like His.


父说:“你们必须忍耐,使你们行完了神的旨意,就可以得着所应许的。”人的一生很短暂,我要什么?我去哪里?效法大卫在苦难中的顺服,因我所遭遇的是出于你,我就默然不语。The Father said: "You must be patient so that after you have completed God's will, you can receive the promise." Human life is short; what do I want? Where do I go? Imitating David's obedience in suffering, I remained silent because what happened to me was from You.因信,接受苦杯,愿意为主而冒险冒死,未经沙漠怎见活水涌流,死荫幽谷方知主恩丰富。力求神加更多患难的恩典,使我们与祂更亲更密,时常可以听到祂的心跳,明白祂的旨意,与祂同行,每天为进入应许而战。Because of faith, I accept the cup of suffering and am willing to risk death for the Lord. How can you see living water flowing through the desert, and how can you know the richness of the Lord's grace in the valley of the shadow of death? Strive to ask God to provide more grace in suffering so that we can become closer and closer to Him. We can always hear His heartbeat, understand His will, walk with Him, and fight to enter the promise every day. (姊妹 Sister Guo)


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