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【罗3:20】所以凡有血气的,没有一个因行律法能在神面前称义,因为律法本是叫人知罪。【Rom3:20】Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.

发表于 2025-01-16

肉体是卖给罪的,无有良善,终日所思想的尽都是恶。保罗再次肯定的说,没有义人,一个也没有,惟有神才是义。上帝向那有律法,并力图行律法的说,凡有血气的,没有一个因行律法能在神面前称义和自夸,The flesh is sold to sin, has no good in it, and its thoughts are only evil all day long. Paul once again affirmed that there is no righteous person, not even one, but God is righteous. God said to those who have the law and strive to keep the law: no flesh will be justified or boast before God by the works of the law.大卫也曾说:“在面前,凡活着的人没有一个是义的。” 人不会因为行律法能进入神的国。David also said, "In Your presence, everyone who lives, no one is righteous." No one can enter the kingdom of God by doing the law.


因为律法本是叫人知罪。我们原晓得律法是属乎灵的,借着我们每天读神的话,靠着圣灵认出自己错误的动机,错误的想法,错误的行为,我们被光照,及时的悔改,Because the law is meant to make people aware of sin. We know that the law is spiritual. By reading Gods wordsevery day and relying on the Holy Spirit to recognise our wrong motives, wrong thoughts, and wrong behaviours, we are enlightened, repent in time,把一切的错误带到神面前,悔改,承认并离弃,耶稣的宝血就涂抹我们的过犯罪恶。因祂说,我们若认自己的罪,祂是信实的是公义的,必赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义。and take away all our mistakes. Come before God, repent, confess, and forsake, and the blood of Jesus will blot out our sins. For He says, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


很多时候我们靠行律法来称义,保罗再次的声明,律法是叫我们知罪,除了通过神的儿子耶稣基督的死来成就的恩典之外,并无其他救恩,我们要过一个靠着信心得胜的生活。Many times, we rely on the practice of the law to be justified. Paul once again stated that the law convicts us of sin. There is no other salvation except grace, accomplished through the death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We must live a life of victory by faith.每天靠着读经祷告,听道行道,将里面“我”的意思全然的瓦解,靠着神的律法,每天分别为圣,向罪死向神活,可以进入真正的因信而称义。By reading and praying the Bible every day, listening to the Word, and practising it, completely disintegrating the meaning of "I" within you, relying on God's law, being sanctified every day, dying to sin, and living to God, you can enter into true justification by faith.


感谢主恩,祂以自己的生与死满足了律法的要求。祂牺牲自己,付上极大的代价,要把律法以下的人赎出来,不但救我们脱离律法的刑罚,更救我们脱离律法的捆绑,把我们从想凭行律法称义的僵局中救赎出来。Thanks to the grace of the Lord, He fulfilled the requirements of the law with His life and death. He sacrificed Himself and paid a great price to redeem those under the law. He not only saved us from the penalty of the law but also saved us from the bondage of the law and from trying to be justified by doing the law. Redemption from impasse.祂不但救赎我们,而且还要叫我们得着儿子的名分,赐给我们神儿子的地位,让我们因信走上祂所走的道路,将来可以承受祂的产业。主啊,何等恩典,趁着还有今日,单单为你荣耀你而活。He not only redeems us but also gives us the title of sons and grants us the status of sons of God so that we can walk on the path He took by faith and inherit His inheritance in the future. Lord, what a grace it is for me to live my life solely for Your glory while I still have this day. (姊妹 Sister Guo)


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