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【罗2:29】惟有里面作的,才是真犹太人;真割礼也是心里的,在乎灵,不在乎仪文。这人的称赞不是从人来的,乃是从神来的。【Rom2:29】No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God.

发表于 2025-01-14

使徒保罗教导我们,“谁是真犹太人?” The Apostle Paul taught us, "Who is a true Jew?"不是那些外面做割礼的以色列人,不是头脑许多圣经知识,靠着外在做好,却还在求人的荣耀的人。It is not those Israelites who are circumcised on the outside, nor those who have an abundance of Bible knowledge in their heads, who rely on outward goodness but still seek the glory of men.真犹太人,是那些操练在内心里寻求神,让圣灵在心里作割礼,向一切自我中心、自私的意念死,里面被圣灵掌管,活出耶稣的生命的人。The true Jews are those who seek God with their hearts, allowing the Holy Spirit to circumcise their hearts, die to all self-centred and selfish thoughts, and be controlled by the Holy Spirit in their hearts, living out the life of Jesus.


真割礼,不是身体上的,而是从心开始,True circumcision is not physical; it from the heart.因信自己没有良善,在考试来临时,靠着圣灵的能力,让自己的私欲受苦,心受割礼,钉死自己,得着基督的心为心…Recognising that there is no goodness in oneself, when the test comes, through the power of the Holy Spirit, one allows selfish desires to suffer, circumcises the heart, crucifies the self, and gains the heart of Christ...这人的称赞不是从人来的,乃是从神来的。The praise of this person does not come from man, but from God.神会为这样在主里死了的人,做见证,神会显明祂的同在能力,使人看到神的荣耀。God will bear witness to those who have died in the Lord. God will manifest His presence and power, so that others may see His glory.


以色列人遵行割礼的命令,甚至把芹菜的十分之一都献上,却行不出律法上更重的公义、怜悯、信实…The Israelites obeyed the command of circumcision and even tithed on their celery, but they could not practise the more important righteousness, mercy, and faithfulness of the law...神看重我们将要成为什么样的人,超过我们要做什么。神关注我们正越来越像基督,还是像亚当?God values what kind of person we are becoming more than what we do. God cares whether we are becoming more like Christ or more like Adam.圣灵,求你帮助我,在觉得受委屈,被拒绝,心里最痛的时候,使我转向你的救恩…Holy Spirit, please help me turn to Your salvation when I feel wronged, rejected, or in the most painful moments...


主啊,感谢你兴起各种考试,让我看到自己的内心不是基督,耶稣为我的不信、骄傲、自义、贪图人前虚浮的荣耀…而死,我的旧人才是该被钉死的,Lord, thank You for raising up various tests to show me that my heart is not yet like Christ's. Jesus died for my unbelief, pride, self-righteousness, and desire for vain glory in front of others... My old self should be crucified.这一刻叫我的心受割礼,与主同死,就与主同复活,This moment circumcises my heart, I die with the Lord and am resurrected with Him.求圣灵掌管我,使耶稣的谦卑、顺服、饶恕和爱,在我身上显大,使神得荣耀。Please let the Holy Spirit take control of me, so that Jesus' humility, obedience, forgiveness, and love can be magnified in me, and that God may be glorified.(付传道Pastor Fu)


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