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【罗2:11】因为神不偏待人。【Rom 2:11】For God does not show favoritism.

发表于 2025-01-13

神是最终的审判者,祂必照着各人所行的报应各人。凡恒心行善、寻求荣耀、尊贵和不能朽坏之福的,无论他是谁,神都以永生报应他;God is the final judge, and He will reward everyone according to what they have done. Whoever perseveres in doing good and seeks glory, honour, and immortality, God will reward them with eternal life;但所有结党、不顺从真理、反顺从不义的,神就以忿怒、恼恨报应他们;神能将患难、困苦加给一切作恶的人,也能将荣耀、尊贵、平安加给一切行善的人。but whoever forms a faction, disobeys the truth, and obeys unrighteousness, God will reward them with wrath and indignation. God can bring tribulation and distress to all who do evil and can also bring glory, honour, and peace to all who do good.


公平公义是祂宝座的根基,我们种什么就收什么,栽种公义就收割慈爱。因着信,相信惹事的根在乎祂,抓住每一个得生命的考试,施行公义在自己的身上,神的慈爱就临到了我们。Justice and righteousness are the foundation of His throne. We reap what we sow. Plant justice and reap love. Through faith, we believe that the root of trouble lies in Him. We seize every test of life and apply justice to ourselves. Then God's love will come to us.因祂看圣民之死极为宝贵,当愿意立志走信心之路,丧己路,行真理之路,必有生命的冠冕为那人存留,因为神不偏待人。Because He sees the death of His saints as extremely precious, we should be willing to set our minds on the path of faith, the path of self-sacrifice, and the path of truth. There will be a crown of life reserved for that person, because God does not show favouritism.


耶和华在天上立定宝座,他的权柄统管万有。祂未尝留下一样好处不给那些行动正直的人。趁着还有今日,我们活着的日子竭力追求圣洁,恨恶罪恶,每天以敬畏神为乐,谦卑俯伏在祂面前,因为至终必有善报,我们的指望也必不断绝。The Lord has established His throne in heaven, and His authority rules over all. He has not withheld any good thing from those who walk uprightly. As long as we live today, we should strive to be holy, hate sin, rejoice in the fear of God every day, and humbly bow before Him, because good will be rewarded in the end, and our hope will not be cut off.因信,为了那极重无比的荣耀,就轻看那至暂至亲的苦楚,因祂应许与主同受苦必与主同得荣耀。By faith, for the sake of the far greater weight of glory, we despise the temporary sufferings of our loved ones, because He promised that those who suffer with the Lord will also be glorified with the Lord.


阿们!事情的结局强于事情的起头,我们要常常思想结局,每天付上得生命且得的更丰盛的代价,凭信往前,竭力否定自己,背起自己的十字架,把爱活在伤口,把一切的主权完全的交托信靠Amen! The end of things is stronger than the beginning. We should always think about the end, pay the price every day to gain life and gain it more abundantly, move forward by faith, try our best to deny ourselves, carry our own cross, live love in the wounds, and completely entrust all sovereignty to trust.信神不偏待人,出于祂的都是好的。顺服至死且死在十字架上,不再风闻有神,而是亲身经历主的复活和荣耀。Believe that God is not partial to people, and everything from Him is good. Obey unto death and die on the cross, no longer merely hearing about God, but personally experiencing the resurrection and glory of the Lord.郭姊妹Sister Guo


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